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(A.N: "Alexa play lost")

A week had passed ever since Jimin's mother passed away.

He wasn't like himself anymore. He grew cold like the king's eyes. But I didn't even try to speak with him for the entire week. I just wanted to let him be.

And for me, well, I tried to discover more about the whole time travel thingy. Yet nothing was explainable. My phone was still here though, but in here, you got no wifi and it sucks.

I was going through the history book until someone knocked on the door. "Ms. Jihyo, I brought you breakfast." A lady announced.

I quickly put the book under the sheets. "Come in," I said with a fake yawn.

She came in with a plate filled with bread. It made me wonder what the maids at the royal palace in Seoul 2019 served. It was probably too good to be true.

When I wanted to thank her, she was already gone.

I still remember yesterday when Jin said we had to sleep here again for Jimin.

"Let's eat!" I cheered.


I was walking around the place, trying to find the damn bathroom.

"Am I walking in the same hall or something? I saw this painting like 10 minutes ago..." I spoke to myself. Somehow I felt like someone was watching me but when I turned around no one was there. I was probably going crazy.

When I walked around, something caught my eye. It was a silver door. My stupid curiosity got the best of me and touched the door. It was almost as cold as ice.

I was startled when the door opened by itself. I pulled my hand back and tried myself from entering.

It was as if my brain cut itself into two minds and one told me to go in while the other warned me that it was a bad idea.

However, one was definitely right.

I was gonna die in there, but despite that, I still went in.

The moment when I was only halfway in, the extremely cold air hit me. It was colder than the doorknob. Ice-freezing cold to be exact. When I was in the room it looked like an old fashioned one, but then again, I'm not in 2019 so it was logical.

Everything in here was for sure mysterious.

My eyes landed on a huge painting that was hanging on the wall. I smiled seeing a happy family in front of me. There was a little boy in the painting, showing a huge boxy smile, while the other had a bunny smile.

I wondered who they were. I was so caught up in administration that I almost fell on the ground when someone puts its hand on my shoulder.

As I was about to hit the ground, a hand was wrapped around my waist, pulling me up. Deep eyes were looking into mine. He smirked as he let go of me. I was still in shock, so it took me a while to progress everything that just happened.

I finally snapped out of it and saw the king in front of me.

He still had his eyes locked onto mine. He stepped closer and softly grabbed my chin.

"What are you here lady Jihyo?" He asked me while I gulped, not wanting to tell the stupid truth.

"I got lost and found this room by accident-"

"I do not care if you visit this room or not, but that was not the answer that I wanted."

"So let me ask you again..." He trailed off, showing his arrogant smirk.

"What are you doing here in my kingdom? I know that you didn't lose your memories. So... want to tell the actual truth or do I need to bring a cup of tea to help you to spill it?" He said with a deep voice that tormented me from the inside.

"Y-your majesty, I was speaking the truth. I do not remember where I-I come from." I stuttered, trying to lie.

He cupped my cheeks and brought his face closer to my ear. I felt his breath, sending shivers down my spine. "Alright." He whispered in my ear, turning me around to face the painting again.

"Your majesty, who is this in the painting?" I tried to ask as polite as possible.

He sighed, not showing any emotion. "There are things kept as a secret for a reason lady Jihyo. Now please leave. I need to run some errands to ensure something." He explained.

I nodded and quickly left him behind, not caring if I didn't know the way back.

after four solid hours, I finally found the living room.

And then I realized something.

I still needed to pee.

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