Day With Jimin Pt. 2

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"Let's go!" I dragged him to the gates. When I touched him, I felt extremely cold. His body was like ice.

I quickly pulled away and turned around to face him. "Are you sick? Your body is like ice cold."  He just smiled, shaking his head.

"I'm not sick at all. Really, you shouldn't worry so much, okay?" I nodded, trusting him.

However, I knew that he was trying to hide something. But I'm not gonna push it or ask for it again. I don't wanna be that person.

Alright, let's get it over with." Jimin said, walking ahead of me.

"Wait for me!"


"Why did you have to walk that fast..." I just arrived, while he was just waiting for me.

"My legs like hurt a mothe- I mean like they are made from spaghetti." I quickly corrected myself.

He just smiled and opened the door for me. I was really glad that he didn't see through me.

His mother immediately popped up when we were halfway through the entrance. Her smile brightened the day, just like her son. "Good morning Jimin and Jihyo!" She said with excitement present in her voice.

Before I could say something, my belly was faster than me and growled like crazy. My cheeks went red of embarrassment. Her eyes went wide and quickly came to me.

"Should I get some bread for you?" She asked as she turned to Jimin.

"Young man! It's your job to at least act like a gentleman towards her! Act as a host for once and give her breakfast every morning!" She scolded him, turning away to get some bread.

"Mother!" He shouted in disbelief.

I tried my best not to laugh but clearly failed as I let out a chuckle. He laid his eyes on me and I suddenly stopped laughing.

Was I being rude?

"I'm sorry Jimin, I just couldn't help it." I tried to explain while he just shook his head and brought me to a chair to sit on.

"Don't stop laughing, your laugh makes me happy." He blushed after he said that. I felt strange but nodded either way.

He stroked my cheeks and got closer to my face. It was like time was frozen until someone interrupted us.

"Jihyo, I got some delicious bread for you and I have a thing to show you." His mother showed up, with a painting in her hand.

Mrs. Park shoved Jimin away and looked him straight in the eyes. "I want to spend some quality time with her, at least for these small minutes. Why don't you go in the back to check some things for me, okay?" She practically begged him through her facial expression. He nodded and went to the back of the small bakery.

She brought the painting to the table and sighed a little bit. I didn't understand the sigh completely but I did understand that something was bothering her.

She held my hand and smiled at me with loving eyes that told thousands of stories only with one glance.

"Jihyo.." She started.

"I know you don't know Jimin nor me for so long, but please listen to my small story."

"I'm pretty sure that Jimin and the other lords had also a bad past. I can't say anything specifically but one day, they lost their emotions. They are all living under a happy mask-like Jimin. He may seem happy yet that all is just a cover to make sure he doesn't worry someone."

"Please take care of him for me, my life will not be as long as Jimin's and I just want him to be in good hands. You can turn him back into the person he was before." She pointed at the painting.

In the painting was a young boy with his parents and a small dog in his hands. He looked so happy. "This was painted for him on his 13th birthday." She explained as her eyes began to water more.

"I'm begging you, young lady. Please take care of him. I just want him to be happy." She squeezed my hand a little bit harder while tears began to stream down her face.

Like an instinct, I hugged her and let her cry on my shoulders. I knew it was not appropriate, but she needed it like any other who would be in this state.

"Don't worry Mrs. Park, I will take care of him." Until I will go back.

I gently patted her back and then she pulled away, wiping her tears from her eyes.

She smiled, trying to be strong in front of me. "Thank you..." She trailed off again.

But little did they know that Jimin could hear everything they discussed.


Hours already passed since we visited his mom. It was already dark outside and everyone would probably be in bed right now. I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a glass of water until I saw a person sitting on the grass in the garden of the palace.

I sneaked outside and stood behind him, hoping that he wouldn't hear me.

"It's hard isn't it, knowing that something bad will happen sooner or later." He suddenly spoke, looking at the stars in the sky. He patted on the spot next to him, still looking up.

"I know you're here Jihyo, might as well just sit next to this handsome lord."He joked while I let out the breath I was apparently holding this entire time.

I sat next to him, observing his next move.

"You don't have to stay here. I am probably out of my mind right now so I won't mind it if you want to leave." He spoke with no emotions present in his voice.

"No, it's alright. I like your company." I tried to cheer him up while he just gave me a sad smile.

"I know that one day, someone very important to me will be up there." He pointed to the sky filled with stars. "I always tried to avoid it, but you can't change it no matter how hard you try. That's why I always stare at the sky. They show hope, they give me hope, but I don't know if I can hope anymore after it will happen." He explained as he turned to me.

"I just wished that I could rewrite the stars and give her the life that she deserved." He said while a tear escaped from his eyes. It was a major surprise to him because he hasn't cried since he was 13.

My hands were trembling as I puzzled all of the pieces together. I couldn't restrain myself anymore as my body began to act on his own. I hugged him and let all the tears out.

He didn't move at all. He was to busy progressing what just had happened.

"I'm sorry..!" I whispered quietly. It was all my fault. If I didn't go to this timeline then none of this would've happened. After all, because of me the history had changed.

"It's all my fault..."

When I woke up, Jimin told me that I fell asleep on his shoulder and that he had brought me to bed. I quickly went downstairs and saw Jin approaching Jimin.

I stopped myself from entering and looked at the scene.

"Jimin, unfortunately, I have some news-"

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