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"Shall we go, young lady?" Jin offered his hand. I gave him a fake smile, trying to hide how lowkey cringy this was.

He led me outside, not daring to let go of my hand. He stopped his tracks, making me bump into him. He turned around and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Do not go outside when it's dark okay? It can be pretty dangerous." I nodded. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go."

He walked through the town and I admired every part of it.

I had to admit something. It's so beautiful here...

Jin seemed to notice my expression and laughed. "Haven't you ever seen so much nature before?" He asked, not even hiding his windshield laugh.

My facial expression changed and I looked at the ground. "Where I come from, there isn't so much nature..." I trailed off.

He got the hint and changed the topic. "Let's explore some more."

He dragged me to the bakery. It looked like a small cafe, but with an older style. An older woman shooted out of her chair and welcomed Jin with open arms.

"How are your duties going, Jin?" The woman asked, giving him a small hug. I hid behind him, not sure if I could take the awkwardness.

"It's going alright, in fact, meet my new housemate Jihyo." He introduced, moving away from me. The woman showed the biggest mochi smile ever. "It's nice to meet you Jihyo. I hope that Jin isn't causing too much trouble." She chuckled.

I shook my head. "He's an amazing man," I said shyly.

"Jihyo, this is the mother of a friend of mine. She can make pretty great bread." He winked at her. The lady just slapped his shoulder lightly.

"Have some respect, kid." She said in a teasing way.

"Her son is pretty great, I'll introduce you to him later, but be careful, once you jim-in, you can't jim-out."

I was just standing next to the woman. "Is that supposed to be a joke?" I whispered to her.

"Unfortunately, yes." She whispered back, sighing at the man.

"We get it, now let's get some food," I said, thinking about pizza.

It's a shame that they didn't invent pizza yet...

The woman went into the back to get the bread and came back with a few slices. She gave it to me while ignoring Jin. He pouted while she just glared at him. "That's your punishment for making that terrible joke." I grabbed a slice and tasted it.

My eyes lit up. It was pretty good, not as good as the bread in 2019, but it was really delicious. "It's really good ma'am." I complimented her.

"You can always come here to eat if you want to. I always wanted a daughter even after my son came." She brushed her hand over my hair and smiled. "I'd love to," I answered.

I always wanted a mother too...

"I think that we should move on now, after all, you need some new clothes," Jin announced, making me roll my eyes.

"Alright, it was lovely to meet you, ma'am." We waved goodbye to her and went on with our little trip.

As we walked away, he poked me at the side. "Did you like her?" He asked out of curiosity.

"She's nice." I shrugged.

"Very well then, let's continue our trip."

We walked to the square where there were outdoor shops, full of everything. It was pretty lively, but none of them who ran those shops looked very happy. They looked poor and hungry.

Jin turned around, pointing at certain shops. "I'm gonna buy you some clothes. You can wander around a little, but don't get lost okay?" I nodded while he blew a kiss. I laughed at his silliness and looked around for a little bit.

I wasn't that far away from where he was. I was about to take another step until someone accidentally pushed me and made me bump into what felt like a wall of stone. I lost balance and made it fall with me.

I opened up my eyes and saw a man staring at me with furious eyes. I then realized that I was laying on that man and quickly stood up out of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, sir..." I apologized, but he didn't seem very satisfied.

"Do you not know who I am, little girl?" He asked in a very deep and raspy voice. People immediately recognized in shock and turned to the situation. Many of them were shocked and their faces clearly held extreme fear.

"No, I don't and to be honest, I don't care."

"Ah, there you are, young lady!" A voice interrupted me. I turned around and it was Jin who had a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh, hello Kim Taehyung, what are you doing here on the market?" He asked the king with curious eyes.

His attention was now focused on Jin. "I was just walking around for a bit until this silly little girl bumped into me." He spoke, pointing at me.

"It was just an accident for fuck's sake." She said accidentally out loud.

The king growled and grabbed her by the collar of her jacket. "What did you just say, little girl?" His voice went even darker than it already was.

I smirked, feeling that my self-confidence was building up. "I. Said. That. It. Was. Just. An. Accident. Jerk." I faked a smile.

"I'm sorry your majesty, this girl is my new housemate so I brought her here for some new clothes," Jin spoke for her, giving him an apologetic smile. The king eyes the girl's clothing and raised his eyebrows.

"I have never seen you before in my kingdom." I nervously looked at him, feeling the sweat on my forehead.

"She's from a foreign kingdom, sir." Jin again spoke up for her.

"Hmm..." He trailed off, stepping closer towards the girl until there was no space left. He bent towards my ear and eye level.

"I'll let you know something, little girl. If you do even the slightest or tiniest thing wrong, you're dead. So don't make me very mad, okay?" He whispered in my ear.

I nodded multiple times while he just smirked.

He walked away like nothing happened and left me and Jin here. He immediately ran to me and held my shoulders. "Is everything alright, young lady?" He asked very concernedly, knowing the king very well.

I quickly snapped out of my trance and nodded again.

I have the feeling that he will be the death of me.

[A.N] It's a boring chapter right? I try to make the book longer by making it build itself with chapters. The story just began so it will be more exciting once you are past chapter 10 or so...

Cya next time,

Once Upon A Story | KTH FF | ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ