Nephew Crisis pt. 2

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'Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart'
- Jose N. Harris


The sun shone brightly in the busy streets. The little prince Yeonjun still tried to get out of my grip when I dragged him to the market.

abruptly, I stopped my tracks when we arrived, making him bump into my back. I turned around and his face looked red out of embarrassment. I chuckled, seeing him in this state.

He slowly walked next to me, trying to understand why I brought him here. As he didn't see anything, he turned to me with a questioning face. I sighed, facing everything in front of me.

"Tell me, what do you see?" He just shrugged, not knowing the answer.

"I see a bunch of peasants." He answered with honesty, not caring if he offended anyone with his words.

I couldn't help but laugh. His eyes reverted to me. "Why are you laughing?" He asked me. A breeze blew through my hair as I took a deep breath. "At least, you're honest," I commented, getting his attention even more.

The way he scanned me was like I was a ghost or something. "Hyung is right, you're weird." A smile crept on my face.

The light of the sun was making my skin glow a little. I pointed at everyone that was walking with a fake smile on their faces. I wanted him to understand something important.

"What you're seeing is correct, however, these people are trying to live a normal life despite having not a lot of money." I began to explain while he just looked at the people who were passing by.

"Do you see the smiles on their faces?" He nodded as I continued. "Their fake. They always try to smile even if there's nothing to hope for. Money can't create happiness. Yes, it can push you in the direction of it, but it's not about what the people buy. It's about how they live their life."

"Don't you really see it?" I paused while he just watched. "These peasants don't have the money to buy medicines for certain deceases. There are parents that are telling their kids that it will be alright. But it won't be alright, wanna know why? Because the royal family isn't doing anything about it." I spoke with my heart. His eyes widened as he realized it.

"You're still young, so I won't expect you to understand it, but there's more than just having all the toys or money in the world." He turned to me. I grabbed his hand again and showed him through the kingdom.

I saw those kids with their mother again. "It's time for some interaction, prince." By giving him a small push, he walked to the family.

To be honest, I felt like a proud mom, seeing her child being social for the first time ever. I know it sounds silly, but I heard rumors about this little prince and let's just say that it was mostly about how he hated the people begging for his money.

That's why I wanted to make him see the world.

After a few minutes, he came back with the biggest smile on his face. "Noona, I made new friends~," He said with excitement.

I crouched down, resting my hands on his shoulder. "I'm glad. I bet you're gonna be a great hero someday." He shook his head in disagreement. "I don't think so..."

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