I Care About You

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My head was pounding like crazy. "So vampires are real." My hands gripped my head when I shook it. "And he thinks I'm some kind of weirdo because I didn't forget something?" My eyes wandered to the mirror inside my room. "I fucking hate my life." The pillow that was just in my hand flew across the room, falling on the bed. My reflection was somewhat scarring me. I looked like some weird-ass maniac.

I couldn't stay here for longer, Hell, I am supposed to be in my own time. My eyes widened as I couldn't believe what I just thought. I was missing my school...

Okay, I am for sure going crazy.

Without any second thoughts, I sprinted through the open door and searched for the entrance. Unfortunately, I was released from the small hospital yesterday, so here I was again, in the renewed palace.

A sudden hand pulled me back. "Where do you think you're going, Milady." Jimin had a strange look on his face. "Please let go of me Jimin." He disagreed by dragging me to the dining room.

"Brothers, it appears that we may have a problem." He announced to the rest of the men that were sitting around the table.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi, Jin, and Hoseok said at the same time while the others stayed quiet.

"This girl we all like found out about our secret yesterday." I looked confused until everything clicked. If Jimin is a vampire then the rest may be one as well. "So she finally knows." The king said as he stood up with his everyday smirk.

Jungkook, the younger brother of Taehyung immediately stood in front of me, pushing Jimin away. His eyes held the softest expression I've ever seen. "Please don't be afraid of us, please..." He took my hand in a sign of trust.

"I'm sorry, but I can't, not right now at least. It's too much for me." I let go of his hand. The emotional bubble was hard to keep intact. The whole world fell upon me. That's how I was feeling right now. I looked into his eyes, begging him to let me outside. The moment he nodded, I ran. I ran like the fucking flash.

Jin who held his breath finally exhaled all the air that was burning in his lungs. He was beyond upset. His hands were making a fist. Suddenly he punched Jimin so hard that the guy flew across the room.

He sped towards him and gripped on his shirt. "You ruined our chance at humanity Jimin!" He shouted in his face.

Punch. "You." Punch. "Don't." Punch. "Deserve." Punch. "Her." Punch.

"Hyung, calm down," Taehyung spoke as he fixed his suit. Jin let go of Jimin's shirt as he turned around facing his friend. "Don't you dare hyung me or tell me to calm down. Don't you think that I don't know what you've been doing the past days? You're making her go crazy for christ's sake!"

"I don't care about her."

"You don't deserve to be king," Jin said, slamming the door behind him.


I sat down on the sidewalk, thinking about all that had happened the past year. The tears I've been holding in flew down my face. I gave myself a sad smile. People always thought I was strong. Someone that never cried over the silliest things. "Guess I'm not as strong as people think", I mumbled to myself.

Guess I'm still the small girl who always had been broken by too many people.

Maybe knowing the vampire thing is not that hard for other people, but it made me scared. Yes, I know Jungkook and probably Jin won't let the rest hurt me, but that's not exactly what I was afraid of.

I was scared to be betrayed

I was afraid to be abandoned.

I was terrified to be hurt once again.

Tears didn't stop flowing. My eyes burned like crazy. The emotions I've been locking inside my soul finally broke free. I hated the feeling. The feeling to be helpless.

I was abruptly pulled into someone's arms. I didn't know who it was but he felt really warm. I quietly sobbed, burying my face in his chest. "Shh, It'll be alright. I promise." I started to sob even louder.

After a few minutes, I finally calmed down. When I realized that my face was still buried in his chest, I backed away.

My eyes widened as I saw who was in front of me. It was none other than Jungkook.

"Don't worry Jihyo, I won't dare to hurt you." He gave me a soft smile. I gave him a weak smile in return.

I shook my head. "I'm not worried about that. I'm not even worried about you hurting me. You're still the person who you were when we first met. I don't care if you're some creature honestly. I'm worried about something else..."

"Would you please elaborate."

I sighed. "The truth is, I'm worried about all of you leaving me. Hurting me by replacing me with someone else. I can't risk making it happen again." I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the answer that I knew he was gonna say.

"I- we would never abandon you. You're that kind person we all need in our life. You're special and we like you." Jungkook touched my cheek as a stray tear left my eye. He wiped the tear away, showing his bunny smile.

"You're worth to be loved."

"Would you still like me even if I was from another time?" It was silent for a moment until he started laughing.

"You're humorous. See, you're likable." He patted my back while I looked down at the ground.

I guess there was my answer...

However, I didn't know back then that someone was watching us from afar.


After a few hours, I finally recovered from certain events today. My feet wandered around the palace. I wasn't exactly paying attention until I bumped into someone.

The king was In front of me. He was somewhat concerned seeing my puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

He stayed silent so I was planning on walking away until he stopped me. "Are you alright?" I turned around, giving him a confused look. "Wouldn't you be happy if I left?" I stared deeply into his eyes while he was shocked by my reply.


"Don't even bother." I turned around walking through the door, disappearing from his sight.

He was biting his lip, not wanting to admit it.

"I care about you, Jihyo..."

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