Scared To Be Lonely

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Today Ms. Jang, and I was trying to figure out how exactly I came here. The library was full of history books luckily, but none mentioned about time-traveling like this.

"Could you please tell me that again?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed my own history book. "All of my stuff was disappearing the moment I got here, except this book right here." I played with the book.

"It could be that time, and space wasn't balanced the moment you woke up here. Maybe they were trying to stabilize themselves by making these items disappear?" I shrugged, not knowing the answer.

"That may be, but that doesn't explain this annoying thing in my hand." I held the book up, stating the obvious.

"You really are a handful."

"I've heard."

"Jane, Jihyo, dinner is finished!" We both turned around towards the door. "Guess we have to continue this another time." I grabbed my stuff, putting them back in my bag.

"How about tomorrow at 2 in the afternoon?" Ms. Jang suggested. Smiling, I gave her a thumbs up. "See you tomorrow."

"But you're eating here?"

"Oh, right."

She chuckled, signaling me to walk ahead of her. Now thinking about it, I like this place more than the palace. I mean, living in a castle is fun and all, but it must feel lonely to have such a big place to live.

But then again, everyone is different.


After dinner, Ms. Jang, and I tried to do more research, however, there was still no result. It was making me irritated. So, by clearing my mind, I went outside and walked into the same forest where I had been found.

The stars were bright, shining in the dark night. It was really beautiful. It kind of reminded me of a song.

"So what if we rewrite the stars. Say you were made to be mine~" I sang lowly. I smiled as I remembered watching the movie. The meaning of it was that no matter how different you look, we are all equally important in the end. That's why I liked it.

I was deep in thoughts, walking around until I heard something move. The sound didn't stop. I turned around, walking to the noise until I saw a certain figure on his knees, behind a single grave.

I hid behind a tree, shocked by what I just saw. "I remember the moment when you said you wanted to become a hero. You wanted me to treat the civilians with respect and care for them just like you did. But, it's too late. I became a monster, damaged beyond repair.."

"I wish you could still be standing by my side mother. If only I could've saved you-"

The person got interrupted by a rustling sound. He turned around and spotted me. "Jihyo, what are you doing here?" He questioned as I came out of my hiding spot.

"Good evening to you too Taehyung, or should I be saying, king?" His face turned into an emotionless expression. "Taehyung is fine. Now please elaborate on what you are doing here?" I rolled my eyes.

"I was clearing my mind until I spotted you," I explained, seeing his curious eyes.

My eyes wandered around until I spotted the grave once again. I stepped forward, walking closer to that place. "Is your mother buried here?" I tried to ask him. He came closer and stood next to me as he kept staring forward. "Since you know our dark secret, it may be best to hear the full story." He sighed, taking a deep breath while I glanced at him with curiosity.

"Many years ago, there was a man. He was supposed to be king in a few years. He trained with much difficulty to be perfect, suited to rule a kingdom full of civilians.

At first, he didn't want to be king. He wanted to have a normal life. One where he didn't have to worry about his people. But he had no choice in that matter. He wanted to protect his younger brother from the responsibility, the burden that this kingdom might give him. After all, he was the older one so it was his duty to resume as the future king.

His mother was always there for him when he needed her. She was his anchor, she was his light in the terrifying darkness. But nothing lasts forever.

The older brother met someone while he was in a cave. That man wasn't just an ordinary man. He was the creator of darkness. Erebos was his name. He offered the brother a very tempting offer. To make his senses stronger, have power over others, to make others see him as a God. The brother accepted the offer, but it came with a price. He became a slave to bloodlust. Doomed to live in this world forever.

He was foolish enough to think this was a gift so he turned his comrades into the same beast he was. An abomination. When he learned that he had to drink blood to survive, he refused to drink even one drop. That action made Erebos furious. The demon did something that was unforgivable. He lured the brother to the cave as he used his mother as bait. Erebos did horrible things to the mother. She was full of cuts and was losing a lot of blood.

The smell of blood made his mind go insane. He was losing control of himself as his other watched. He tried to resist himself with all the might he had. And so, Erebos was growing impatient so he decided to end things quickly.

He killed his mother in front of his eyes.

Duo being overloaded by madness, he lost his humanity. He drank his mother's blood and because of that, the transition was complete. After that, he immediately killed the demon. That's how he- no, that's how I became a heartless abomination." When Taehyung finished, I stared at him in sadness. A single stray tear left his eye.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I always thought of him as the man of evil or maybe just a spoiler king, but that was not true. He was misunderstood, forced to do things he didn't want to do.

"Every year, around the date my mother was killed, I visit her grave. In about a week, it is the actual day she died." I stayed silent letting him speak while he turned to me.

I've never seen him so emotional. All I wanted was to hold him tight and to let him know that tomorrow will be better. But I can't promise such things...

"Ever since you arrived here, you changed everyone here including me. You made me realize that I can still try to become a better man. Someone that can take care of the kingdom, someone that takes care of their friends."

"But, I'm getting even more terrified as each day passes."

I think I am..."

"Scared to be lonely."

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