Min Jihyo

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Boredom. Boredom was killing me the whole morning. I was at Jin's house and stayed in the living room, feeling every minute slowly passing by.

I groaned out of frustration. Jin told me that he had some business to do in the castle so I was pretty much alone right now.

No television, wifi, and friends to communicate with.

Damn, I don't have a life...

I couldn't take it anymore. I searched for some ink, a feather, and some paper to write on because in case you didn't know, we don't have pens yet.

Without thinking, I wrote something down, left it on the table, and went outside to get some fresh air.

As usual, the kingdom was very busy and many people were hurrying to their work. Some of them were also performing. Is this a festival or something?

I smiled when I saw two girls and a mother singing together. They looked so poor and still smiled even though things were hopeless. I couldn't help but admire them. Without any hesitation, I went up closer and gave them some coins. They stopped singing for a moment, looking shocked at my actions. I gave them a soft smile while they bowed and continued singing.


"Young lady, where are you?" Jin asked as he searched every room in the house. He kept searching until he found a specific note on the table.

'I was bored so I'll be back at 5 PM or something like that.'

He rolled his eyes letting out a small laugh. He always thought that she was special, not only the way she's using the language but also about how she behaves. She made him lively again.

But something was bugging him. "What if she gets in danger or someone will take advantage of her!?" He asked himself full of worry.

He quickly ran and took his horse with him to get as fast as possible to the palace to let the other guys know.

When he arrived, he quickly called for a meeting with the guys. He met them in the throne room and couldn't breathe for 30 minutes.

"What made you run so much?" Jimin asked with confusion present in his eyes.

"Jihyo ... away ... worried..." He tried to speak while breathing heavily.

"What?" They all asked, not understanding it a bit.

30 minutes later...

"So can you tell us what made you run so much?" Namjoon asked him while Jin nodded and sat down.

"Jihyo left a note that she will be gone till 5, but I'm worried that men will take advantage of my precious little sister." He said with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Just let her suffer. She's just an annoying girl, so it'll be great if she ran or died anyway." King Taehyung spoke, but everyone ignored him.


All of them looked at Yoongi who looked very annoyed. "You came all the way here just for that?" He asked and Jin nodded, making Yoongi groan.

"I'm going back to bed." He said when he left the room, clearly not interested in this shit.

Back at Jihyo

I was enjoying myself at the festival until I heard something strange.

I heard cheering, shouting and girls screaming out of pain, begging for help. Again I had a fight with myself.

Should I keep myself out of it?


Should I help them?

The screams were somewhat killing me. I couldn't just stand here so I decided to see what's going on. I pushed myself through the crowd, not caring if it wasn't polite.

When I was finally at the front, I saw a girl getting beat up. There were so many wounds on her body. Her clothes were ripped and yet the crowd kept cheering.

What the fuck is wrong with these people!?

I tapped on the girl's shoulder that stood next to me. She turned around with a questioning face. I'm sorry to bother you, but can you tell me what's going on?" I asked her while she just sighed.

"I'm assuming that you must be new here?" She more likely made it sound like a statement. I nodded, wanting to know what's going on.

"The man that you're seeing is the prince from the Ruby Kingdom. He purposely bumped harshly into the girl and took money away from her younger sister." She explained, noticing my changing expression. "This actually happens a lot when the prince visits our kingdom, but we are just commoners and can't do anything. Well, at least I wanted to help if I could, unlike some other people here."She said referring to the ones that were cheering.

"We can't just let him do this, this is wrong," I said to myself, not caring if the girl could hear me. She shook her head. "You'll just be putting your life in danger." She stated, but I didn't hear it because I already ran to the center and helped the girl getting up.

"She's so stupid." The girl mumbled as she walked away from the crowd.

The prince looked shocked at my actions. I didn't care if he was angry or not. I had to help her no matter what.

"Are you alright?" I asked her in a friendly way. She shook her head, trying to hide how scared she was. I gave her a warmer smile. "It's alright, I won't hurt you." She slowly nodded and stood behind me as I began to face the shocked bastard.

I gave him a glare. "It's not nice to treat a lady like this y' know," I said to him, showing the fearless side of myself.

It's about time to let the savage beast out.

He smirked as he went closer to me. "Oh, is that so? A prince has a higher rank than any of you so I can pretty much decide for myself of how to treat a lady nicely." I was irritated by the fact that the thought of himself like he was a god.

"Should I show you?" He spoke in a dark voice, stepping dangerously close. The anger was somewhat burning my skin and I couldn't take it anymore.

He was about to punch me so I dodged, swinging his arm and kicked where the sun ain't shining. He fell on the ground, holding his crotch, wincing in pain.

His eyes went wide. He had never seen someone like this ever. That girl wasn't afraid to fight back and stand tall.

I stepped closer to him and kneeled down a bit. "If that was your way to treat girls, then this is my way to treat boys. Unpleasant isn't it?" I asked ironically.

I stood up, giving him a smirk. While the crowd was silent and amazed by what that girl had just done. "I'll give you some advice, prince. If you don't wipe that smug out of your face, then I will." I turned around to drag the girl and her younger sister with me until his voice was stopping me.

"Wait! Can I please know your name?" He asked as I turned my head a little bit.

"Min, my name is Min Jihyo."

Once Upon A Story | KTH FF | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon