2. Logan

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I didn't know how long it's been since I left the hospital room where Vince was. I just wanted to sit there on the cold concrete steps and not think to much about anything. And I absolutely was not looking for a conversation.

"Hey there stormy, what's with that tortured look trying to take over your gorgeous face?"

I ignored him. I really was not in the mood for guys who couldn't keep from flirting. I kept my head down, rested on my knees.

This guy couldn't tell what a clue was if it was shoved down his throat.

"You know I come here when something's bothering me, I can tell something is bothering you. Spill." He continued.

"What the hell? You must have some nerve to try and tell me-" I instantly blushed when I looked up at him.

He. Was. Gorgeous.

He had honey brown eyes that lit up with his smile, that was full of perfect teeth. I couldn't help but note how cute his lips were.

I know it may be weird and creepy but I have a thing for guys with nice lips. And his were dreamy.

"S-sorry about that I...i'm just kind of not in the mood for conversation." I cringed at the sound of my nervousness. He had to have noticed.

I'm such a loser.

He laughed and I blushed more. "So did your tone change because I'm unbelievably scorchin' hot or are you a very remorseful person when it comes to rudely addressing others?" Why did he have to be so charming.

I wasn't going to let his looks trap me. I waved it off. "I guess i'm just pretty remorseful." I shrugged.

"Hm, is that so. tell me why you're here." He leaned against the wall across from where I sat, looking at me expectantly. Waiting for an answer.

"My-uh brother had an accident and slipped into a light coma."

What the- ? All of sudden I felt as if I can tell him everything. Weird.

I stood up and started for the door when he grabbed my wrist.

"Stay. Talk to me. It's better to get it off your chest."


"Fine." I was mentally face-palming myself.

What the hell am I doing?

"My older brother, Vince... he means a lot to me. More than anyone including my parents. He was always there for me, he never once left me behind. I could talk to him about anything and he'd listen to every bit of it.

"He was a little overprotective but isn't every older brother. I just-...if he dies I will be lost. I wouldn't know how to live without him." I didn't notice I had been crying the whole time until I felt him wipe my cheek.

His hands. They were so soft, gentle like he cared.

He dropped his hand and looked away. "Stop crying."


I just opened up to this stranger who by the way hasn't even told me his name yet and all he has to say is 'stop crying' what was his deal?

"Crying isn't going to help. They way I see it your brother defenitely wouldn't want you to be here crying or angry. As a big brother he'd want you to act as if it were just another day. As if nothing happened. He wouldn't want you to be so bent over him because in his mind you, his little sister, should never have to shed a tear over anything-" He paused. Then looked at me. "Not even him."

His voice wasn't as cheerful as before.

A tiny hint of pain flashed in his eyes and I could tell he related to the words he spoke more than he probably wanted to.

He stood up and walked towards the door but he stopped right before he twisted the handle. Without turning to look at me he said, "My name is Logan by the way. It'd be nice if you told me yours." He waited.


He smirked and boy was it hot. "Well, Monique, it was nice to meet you. Maybe we'll meet again sometime. Chao for now."

There was something about this guy. Something familiar, he reminded me of someone.

I sat there a few minutes racking my brain to figure out who was it this Logan reminded me of. It was weird. Sure he was extremely hot, but I wasn't attracted to him like that. I just felt...close to him like I wanted to be around him...it was the same feeling I got when I thought about Vince...


A/N: Ahhhhhhh! so what do you think of dear logan? do u like him? what do u think their relationship will be? friends? best friends? dating? rivals? who knows i dont *shifts eyes awkwardly avoiding eye contact* but whatevs you'll have to keep reading to find out 😄 dont give up you've made it this far why not keep going

thnx to the wonderful people who are sticking with this story :) oh how wonderful you are you have no idea

P.S. check out the lovely logan in the media box hot right? yeah i know

P.P.S. soo ive noticed that some people have been reading and i was just wondering how u guys like it so plz if u could tell me by message or commenting id love u so much more than i already do and if u have questions or suggestions plz plz let me kno id love to hear from you guys :)

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