29. 1 A.M.

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I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing off the hook.

Yawning, I tapped the talk button without seeing who it was.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Hey, dove." My eyes shot open at the sound of Shane's sleepy voice.

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

He wasn't even near me and I could feel my whole body heat up.

"Uh.. yeah." Was all I could manage.

Shane chuckled softly and I heard a door slam in the background.

"Do you need more sleep? It's really early." His voice sounded a little strained. Like he was trying not to be angry at something.

I took my phone from my ear to see what time it was. One in the morning.

"No, I'm okay. What are you doing up at one in the morning, anyway?" I asked.

He was silent for awhile before answering.

"I needed to see if you were alright." His voice was husky as he said this and a splinter of ice ran through my spine.

Something's wrong.

"Shane?" I whispered.


"Can you come lay with me?"

I don't know what it was, but I had a strange feeling that I needed to be near him.

"Yeah." His voice softened and then there was shuffling noises. "I'll be there in a minute."

Just then I heard someone walking in the hallway outside my door.

"Don't hang up, okay? Just..stay on the phone with me." I whispered.

"What's wrong?" He asked urgently.

I went to open the window for him and then back to bed.

Throwing the covers over my head, I closed my eyes.

"I- I don't know." I was shivering. "I have a really bad feeling. I just... I need you, Shane."

I heard wind whipping on his side.

"I'm about to turn the corner onto your street. You're gonna be fine, you hear me?" I could hear the promise in his words, but I needed more than that.

I needed to hear his strong heartbeat. Feel his warmth wrap around me, comforting me. I wanted his arms to hold my body securely to his own. I needed to be near him.

"Stay calm, dove." He instructed. "I'm four houses away."

A warm sensation twisted my stomach in knots and my body heated up with anticipation.

Why do I want to see him this bad?

Outside, I heard the soft purr of an engine that stopped underneath my window.

I got up and limped over to watch him climb the white lattice that was added along with a balcony recently.

He stepped onto the balcony and hastily climbed into my room.

Once he was in, I wrapped my arms tight around his torso and buried my face in his chest.

He locked his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head.

The hard thud of his heart swarmed my ears and I smiled to myself.

Shane lifted my chin up and grinned sweetly at me.

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