31. Bullet Bonds

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Shane was in the hospital...

That's all that ran through my head. From the moment Chandler said it over the phone to the second I climbed into my dad's car.

When Shane dropped me off at Charlie's, I wasn't expecting her to be home.

To my surprise, Shane texted her and told her that I needed to stay at hers until he finished his business.

It wasn't until six, after me blowing the guys' phones up, that I got a call from Chandler.

There were sirens in the background and urgent yelling. I could barely understand Chandler, as he was in a rush to get back to whatever the problem was around him. All I could make out was:

'Shane...ambulance...hurry up.'

So, I'd called my dad and told him there was an emergency at the hospital involving Shane, and that I needed to be there.

It took no more than fifteen minutes, and my dad was parked outside of Charlie's house.

So here we are. My dad, Charlie, and myself. Rushing to the hospital to find out what the hell happened to my guy.

The car was silent, except for the dial tone of my phone as I tried desperately to reach one of the guys and my frustrated groans.

Why won't they answer my damn calls?!

I cussed harshly as the dumb mechanical bitch once again, told me I wasn't getting through.

My dad raised his eyebrows and looked at me worriedly.

"It's alright, hon." He said calmly. "I'm sure everything is going to be alright."

I tried to take his word for it, tried to believe that what he said was true. I just couldn't shake the fear of Shane being hurt really bad.

What if-

"Monique." Charlie spoke. "Calm down. He's gonna be okay."

Dad pulled my hand from gripping the arm rest and squeezed it, smiling reassuringly at me.

I kept quiet, my head swarmed with fear after the next of what could be wrong.

About twenty minutes passed and we were pulling up to the hospital.

Charlie and I rushed out of the car and dad pulled off to park.

The place was busy. Nurses, male and female, rushed about in their blue or purple scrubs. I even saw one nurse with blood all over her dragging a man in a white lab coat, who I assumed was a doctor, by his arm. They went down the hall and into and elevator, no longer in sight.

I looked around and didn't see the guys, so I walked, or crutched to the reception desk with Charlie on my heels.

"Excuse me, miss." I said.

The young woman looked up at me and smiled. "How may I help you?"

"I'm here for a friend, uh, Shane Winters is his name." The woman started typing.

My dad had come in, and was standing behind me and Charlie.

"Okay, sweetheart. Your friend is on the second floor. That is the surgery and ICU department." Oh, no. "You can take the elevator and you'll end up in the ICU waiting room. The receptionist up there should be able to help with anything else."

I nodded and we rushed off to the elevator.

The waiting room up here was just as crazy as downstairs, which worried me even more.

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