10. It's going down

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I woke up the next morning thinking about what my parents had said the night before about Nathan coming to stay here.

They'll probably have a million questions about why I was heaving my guts out. I can't tell them, they probably won't even believe me.

~ "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked him as another pain shot through my stomach from his kick.

Nathan stood above me with an evil grin and thrusts his foot into my stomach once more. "Why do you think?" He reached down and grabbed my hair, lifting me off the floor. "Because you're a worthless piece of shit!" He screams and throws me down. "And you'll be even worse as a wife."

"T-then why did you agree to m-marry me?" I croak out.

He laughs, the sound cracking against the walls and echoing through the room.

"For the money, of course. Why else would I marry someone so pathetic!"

"Vince is going to kill you, when he sees what you've done to me." I whisper.

He walks over and crouches near me on the hard floor. He put his hand on my bruised stomach and pushed hard, making me wince.

"See, that's the thing sweetheart," He pauses and moves his mouth to my ear and whispers, "Vince isn't going to find out about this. Because if he does," He stands up and lifts his foot and brings it down forcefully on my leg. "Well, we both know what happens to you if he finds out. Don't we?"

He walks over to the door and with one last evil glare, slams it leaving me with nothing but the quiet sobs escaping me and the bruises he left.~

I shudder as the memory passes. Getting up, I wipe my face and walk to the bathroom and start the shower.

If it weren't for my mom those things would've never happened because I wouldn't have even met him. I don't even understand why she wants me to marry him. Oh right, his dad is her boss. What a big frickin' whoop.

I got out of the shower more irritated at my mom than ever. I walked to my closet and threw on some black ripped skinnies, a loose white tank top, and black leather cowgirl ankle boots. I put on my grey beanie and light makeup and walk downstairs.

"Morning, how about breakfast?" My dad chirps.

"How about 'no'?" I reply grabbing a bottle of water. My dad turns away from the stove to look at me.

"Is everything alright?" He scrunches his eyebrows in worry.

Sitting down at the table with my water I shrug my shoulders and lie, "I'm fine. Just, you know, don't wanna upset my stomach anymore than it already is." I smile at him halfheartedly.

His mouth forms an 'O' shape and he turns back to turn the stove off. He grabs a pair of unfamiliar keys and walks toward the door. "Well, you have to get to school. You comin' or am I taking your place?"

I chuckle and follow him out the door. He's walking to the garage, why is he going to the garage when the car is right in the driveway?

Oh, mom must've brought a new car. Of course, that has to be it.

We reach this new car, which happens to be a black Ford Raptor 2015! Wait- this is neither of my parents taste in cars-

"Here you go, sweetheart." I turn around, completely dazed and confused to see my dad holding the new set of keys in front of me. "It's yours." He smiles brightly.

My eyes dart from the truck, to the keys, and back to his face. "I-I...How did you know I wanted this?" I stutter out.

He hesitates before responding, "We'll talk about that when you get home. But for now, you need to drive your new car to school before you're late."

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