39. Taken

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After Aunt Viv, Kasey, and Mason were gone, I showered because of...recent events.

I was surprised to go downstairs and see my mom and dad in the living room.

Dad sat on the sofa watching mom lovingly as she dug through the many DVDs we had.

They hadn't noticed I was there until the floor boards creaked slightly underneath my feet.

When both their heads snapped up to look at me, I felt a merciless blush creep onto my cheeks.

Why am I embarrassed?! These are my parents for crying out loud!

"I..uhm-" I stuttered to find what it was I was aiming to say. "I just-...what's g-going on?"

I kept my eyes on mom as she stood and walked up to me with a bright smile.
"We," She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and guided me toward the sofa where my dad was seated quietly.

"...are having a movie day." She sat me down next to dad and placed herself on the other side of me. "Just us."

She moved her arm from my shoulders and laced her fingers with mine, our hands resting on my thigh. Dad's arm replaced hers over my shoulders as he pulled me closer to his side.

This was all a little weird to me. The last time I had any sort of 'family time' with my parents, was when Vince came to visit us. That was days before the accident.

I was shocked beyond my limit. "W-what about work?" I asked, bewildered.

"Took the night shift." They said at the same time.

They both laughed lightly, making me giggle along with them.

After we stopped laughing and mom pressed play on the DVD remote, I relaxed.

I let my body slump into the sofa and layed my head on my dad's shoulder. Beside me, mom leaned her head on my shoulder and curled her legs up on the empty cushion.

A warm feeling spread through my body and I smiled a wide smile.

I got my family back.


My parents had went to work at seven that night to work their night shifts. I sat up on my bed talking to Chrissy.

"I can't believe it! Did you guys use protection?!" She squealed into my ear.

I had just told her about me and Shane's little experience. And now that I was thinking about it, the answer to her question was, 'no'.

"Uhm...n-no. We didn't." I stuttered out. "Oh God, Chris. What if I get pregnant?!"

"Then I'll be the baby's guard mom!" She answered excitedly.

"Chris, that wouldn't be a good thing." I groaned and fell back on my bed. "That would change everything if I became pregnant. I don't have a single clue how to mom."

"Oh hush. Let's just hope for the best. Hopefully you don't end up like one of those girls who get pregnant in high school, and then denied college."


"What? I'm just throwing it out there." She said defensively. "Look, just don't worry about it, alright? I'm confident that whatever happens, you can handle it."

This is why Chrissy was my best friend. She knew what to say when I needed her to. I loved her for that.

"Mo, I have to go hon." Chrissy said in a sad voice. "There's something I need to...take care of. And don't worry so much, okay? You'll be alright."

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