24. Netflix and chill. Just chill.

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A/N: Decided to give you guys a break from the drama. This chapter is just a chilled out one.



"You're such a baby, Shane I swear." I snapped. "Get off me, you big log."

"Noooo!" He whined and tightened his arm around my waist.

We were currently in Shane's bed, he lay on is stomach with his face buried in a pillow. His arm wrapped tightly around my waist. But he wouldn't let me go because he claimed to be 'still tired'.

Not that I had anywhere to be, since it was Saturday, he was just really being a baby and I wanted to get up and, oh I don't know, eat something.

My stomach rumbled in agreement.

"Ya hear that? I'm hungry. And if I don't eat, someone is getting a beat down." I glared at him and waited for him to take his face out of the pillow.

Instead he just laughed and said in a muffled voice, "Then why don't you get something to eat?" I could just hear that stupid smirk.

"Because I am being held captive by a dork who snores like an ogre with a cold." And it was no joke, this guy was snoring so loud last night, I woke up four times throughout the whole night.

"Right. Well, you might not want to annoy the dorky ogre, unless you want him to eat you for breakfast."

I made a frustrated noise. He was seriously irritating me. There was only one thing to do.

"Fine." I twisted as best I could, so my back was to him and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring out of the glass doors.

A few moments passed and I thought that he'd went back to sleep, until he opened his stupid mouth.

"Monique?" He laughed. "Don't tell me. Is this the famous silent treatment?"

I kept quiet.

Shane chuckled and I felt him shift and then his chin was resting on my shoulder.

"Aww, come on dove. Don't ignore me." He whined and buried his face in my neck.

"You're so cute." He chuckled and brushed my hair away from my neck, his fingers sending bursts of heat through my skin.

"You won't be able to keep this up." He whispered, huskily and started trailing tiny kisses on my jaw.

I stayed silent, even though every part of my skin that his lips touched screamed at me to respond.

He lips grazed the spot under my ear and a shiver ran down my spine.

Stupid hormones!

Shane smirked and teased the spot, kissing it slowly and then, the fucker glided his teeth lightly over my skin, making me absolutely loose my mind. I wanted to melt.

"Shane get the fuck off me, before I elbow you in the gut so hard, you hurl up every meal you've had in the last month."

"There we go!" He sang victoriously and climbed on top of me, with his hands on either side of my head.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from his face. He laughed and pecked my cheek.

"Why are you being so mean to me, babe?" Oh my God, he sounded so cute when he called me that.

It took all I had not to answer him.

He gently grabbed my chin and turned my face so that I was looking right into his eyes.

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