13. Think I got the feels.

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"You know that was a little easier than I thought." Sitting in the passenger seat of Shane's Mercedes, I could feel the intensity of his smug smile roll off of him.

"Well, you have a thing for kidnapping me." I flashed back to my first day here. "Where are you even taking me?"

He ignored my question, "It isn't kidnapping when you're all too willing to join me."

"I was not." I huff. "You were gonna tell people that I'm your girlfriend."

"Oh please, you like me. Ya just don't know it yet." He winks at me.

I sigh and look out the window.

The car slowed down when we got to some type of... huge park.

Shane parked the car and got out, grinning like a four year old who finally got the cookie jar off the counter.

Reluctantly, I opened the door and walked to where he stood at the gate.

"Um, you do realize this place is closed right?" I watch curiously as he fished through his pockets and pulled out a key.

"Andy works here, he lent me the key." He unlocks the gate and kicks it open.

"But, it's closed. What if there are security guards inside or something?"

"Then we run." He says in a 'duh' tone.

Maybe this could be fun. I thought, as I slowly stepped through the gate.

Shane closed the gate behind us and grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

The park was littered with picnic tables that sat under huge trees. The pavement ran in all directions. There was a building not far from the gate that said 'Restrooms'.

We stopped at what looked like a stone pathway that wove through a huge garden that took up half the park. It was called 'Treasure garden'.

The pathway was wide and smooth. Tall flowers and ivy crawled over the low iron fence that bordered the stone.

"Wait here." Shane let go of my hand and disappeared behind a wall of rose bushes.

It felt weird. Having his hand wrapped around mine. But at the same time it felt somewhat normal. It wasn't like all those cliché movies where the hormonal teenage girl felt jolts of electricity shoot through her arm. Just warm, and comfortable.

I heard a sound like a river flowing, somewhere nearby. Then, almost on cue, the whole garden came to life.

There were little blue lights mixed with the greenery, quiet music and mechanical dancing gnomes on the stone path that was flooded with about an inch of water.

Shane was back from the bushes, smiling.

"You may wanna take your shoes off. Unless you don't mind getting them wet." He held his shoes in his left hand and waited while I slipped off my shoes and socks. I held them in my right hand then, as if it was instinct, he took my left.

Okay, this guy is getting too comfortable with this.

We starting walking through the garden, the smooth, warm water washing lightly over our feet.

I had to admit, the garden was beautiful. I felt a small smile spread across my lips at how peaceful it was.

"When I was little, my mom always brought us to this garden." I could hear the love in his voice when he talked about his mom. Pure adoration in his eyes.

"She loved it so much that we stayed until the sun was setting. She always had the biggest smile on her face, like this place took all her stress away." He chuckled sadly. "That smile had my dad doing anything just to see it."

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