23. Party Girl (part 3)

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- Shane POV -

I can't find her.

Did she leave?

I bet one of these college perverts knocked her out and-

No! I refuse to think that!

Everyone knew she was mine. What suicidal bastard would even dare lay a finger on her?!


The name rang in my head like a clock tower at noon.

But my brain was right. Any other time my brain suggested things, they'd be completely irrational and just plain...stupid.

Not this time, it was absolutely right.

The only person who would put his life in danger by touching my dove, was that no good, selfish prick Logan.

That sideways loon was always looking for ways to piss me off. He'd been wanting to fight me as much as I'd been wanting to rip his limps off and feed them to sharks.

Nothing he tried ever worked. Sure, I'd get irritated at the least with his attempts to provoke me, but I never really bothered myself with being angry until she showed up.

Monique changed everything when she moved to town. Before she came, I didn't give an elephant's turd what anyone else did. I didn't feel on the edge all of time worrying if someone was okay, or if they needed me, and at the very least, if I made them happy or not.

Now that someone was her, it was Monique. I've fallen so hard, I would kill for her without a second thought.

I didn't want her to be hurt, I wanted her to be okay. Without a care in the world. And I absolutely loathed anything or anyone that hurt her.

Logan hurt her.

Every time she'd wave or smile at him, he would be on that skank Lyla's heels and act like she wasn't even there. And that hurt her feelings.

No matter how much she tries to hide things from me, I see it.

Just like I see what the fuck that bastard is going to try if he has my girlfriend alone.

And I'm going to kill him.

I used to come to this house, when me and Logan were best friends in middle school. So I know my way around.

I rushed up the stairs, taking two at a time, and darted down the hall.

"Stop it! Be a good little slut, and take it!" I heard Logan's voice come from behind his door.

"Please! Stop! Let me go!"

That fucking bastard! I'm going to kill him!

I know that was my dove. I could never mistake her voice. She sounded frantic like she was struggling with something. Or someone.

Anger boiled in my chest, sending burning flames through my body.

I stormed down the hall and kicked Logan's door open. Creating a huge hole in it.

The door went flying into the wall, and I heard a loud crack.

Good. Damage. That's what I'm here for.

I took some time to look at what was happening. Which I shouldn't have because it only made me want to chop Logan into pieces and pin them to a billboard.

Monique was laying on bed with her hands tied to the post. Her dress was torn straight down the middle, exposing her black underwear. Tears were flowing from her round eyes and she was squirming underneath Logan, who was on top of her, straddling her.

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