27. Stupid

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I woke up around six that night, to my parents' voices downstairs.

Thinking about how much I don't see them, I got overwhelmed with excitement and jumped out of my bed.

As soon as my foot landed on the floor, I fell.

My ankle throbbed and then I couldn't feel it.

That's gonna be a pain in my ass.

I stood up, careful not to hurt my back, and went into the bathroom to see how I looked. Everything was fine.

Except for the big ass bruise starting to show around my eye where Nathan hit me.

Irritated, I covered it with makeup.

When I was done, you couldn't even tell it was there.

Satisfied with how I looked, I limped my way to the door and down the stairs.

In the kitchen, my parents were just starting to set the table.

When they heard me come in my dad looked at me and his face lit up.

"Hey, sweetheart. We were just about to come get you." I walked to my dad, trying to hide my limp as hard as I could.

He pulled me into a hug and said, "Why do I miss you so much?"

My mom was happy to see me also even though she mumbled, "Probably because she's always with that boy instead of her parents."

I just ignored her comment, and silently hugged her then sat down next to my dad.

He made spaghetti with toast and a salad my mom made.

I haven't eaten all day so as soon as Natalie and Nathan were at the table, I dug in.

I focused hard on my food and my parents. I wouldn't dare look at Nathan. I knew that if I did, I'd be stuck thinking about what happened today for the rest of the night.

"Monique, how was the party on Friday?" Dad questioned.

"Yeah, since we didn't see you after you came home from Charlie's. " Mom added.

"It was okay." I lied. "I didn't really know a lot of people so..."

"Alright well," Mom started. "How's that boyfriend of yours?"

Probably fed up with me.

"Umm, he's pretty good." I said. "I guess."

"Argument?" Dad asked.

I nodded and went back to my food.

"Guess who's coming for Thanksgiving." My dad smiled at me, changing my whole mood.


"Kasey and your aunt." I saw my mom roll her eyes at the mention of my delinquent cousin.

"Really?" Despite how bad she was, I missed Kasey too. She was one of the only people who were there for me.

My dad opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, my mom cut in.

"Yes, and I'm sure the two of you will start as much of a fuss as you always do when you're together."

Why the hell is she being so rude to me?

"Mom." I bunched my eyebrows together at her.

"What?" She bat her lashes like a little girl. "Who am I to blame you if you think terrorizing the streets is a good way to pass time?"

"Hon, can we please not start this?" My dad raised his eyebrows at mom.

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