42. You Breathe Too Much

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- Shane -

"Hey, I got some guys around town that don't mind helping us." Mason said to me.

Yeah, I finally figured out his name. And from the little time that I've known him, he's proved to be a decent guy. Then there's the dangerous aura he has.

Seriously, the guy is scary as hell. I can't imagine what Monique's brother was like.

"What do you mean, you've got 'guys around town to help'?" Monique's dad asked.

After Monique called me, Mason and Kasey had said that her dad was already on the way to us.

I called him and told him not to bring the money that Nicholas asked for. But it was a good thing that he did agree to meet up. Otherwise, my plan wouldn't work.

"Okay it doesn't matter." I cut in. "I came up with a way to get Monique back, and we're gonna need all the help we can get."

Everyone nodded at me, and I continued on.

"Our target is to get Nicholas and his guys out of the way, so we can get Monique and get out. And if I know Nicholas, I know he doesn't work alone. Meaning he has his gang with him." I explained.

"We are all going there by car, then we'll go through the woods that lead to the house." I turned to look at Mr. Bowden and pulled the duffle bag that Mason put together out.

"You're gonna carry this into the house with you, so they think you have the money. And we'll be right behind you so Nicholas won't even have the chance to check.

"When we get inside that house, they're going to try and kill us." I said to Mason. "Tell your guys not to hold back for anything."

He smirked. "They know better than that."

I nodded, but couldn't help but wonder again who the hell these guys were.

"Good. Once we take out his men, Nicholas won't know what to do. Mr. Bowden can take Monique as soon as Nicholas is caught off guard. That way I'll be able to handle him." I stood straight up and looked out of the window. "Like I should have a long time ago..."

*** ***

- Monique -

After I called Shane, I stuffed my phone back into my boot and cleaned the gash on my stomach.

That Australian guy and Nathan were back in the room now. Nathan sat on the floor against the wall, while the other guy stood near the door.

I'm not hurt bad and Shane is on his way. My only problem now is, I feel sick.

There was a constant throb in the back of my head, that blurs my vision every five minutes. Black spots dancing in my line of sight.

I felt so nauseous, I would get dizzy for no reason and my hands started shaking.

Something was wrong. And I couldn't help but feel like they put something in the spaghetti.

I curled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

I tried to breathe evenly as I buried my face in my knees.

I heard something being placed beside me on the concrete floor and lifted my head to see what it was.

"A bucket?" I whispered weakly.

The Australian guy looked at me and nodded. "You look like you have to puke."

I chuckled dryly. "Don't wanna get spaghetti on the floor, now do we?"

He ignored me.

Bastard. I'd cut his throat if I had the chance.

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