18. Hash brownies and detention.

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"Answer me."



"Chandler, I swear to all that is holy- if you say my name or poke me one more time, I will stab you in the eye with this pencil!"

Chandler shrunk back into his chair beside me with his hands up in surrender.

We were in art and Chandler has been poking my cheek and saying my name over and over, to tell me another stupid joke.

Shane sat across from me on his phone the whole class period, which bothered me a little.

Considering the fact that I never see him on his phone, unless we're texting each other in class. So I just assumed he barely used it.

I shouldn't worry though, whatever it was he was talking to whoever about, didn't seem like something I should be bothered by. He kept the same irritated face he had on all day.

I tried to ask him what was wrong over and over, but he would just kiss my cheek and tell me it was nothing. But I knew better.

I put my pencil and sketch pad down and placed my elbows on the table with my chin in my hands and stared at his face.

Yeah, I'm going to stare him down until he looks at me, so what?

His fingers moved frantically across the screen for a couple of seconds before he put his phone down and looked up.

His eyes met mine and his lips twitched, fighting a smile.

"What?" He sighed and scribbled aimlessly on his paper.

I didn't answer him, he knew 'what'.

He glanced up at me and I raised my eyebrow.

This time he smiled, a small one, but the first one from him all day.


"Are you really doing this?" He shook his head at me.

Still silent, I sat there, waiting for him to answer my unspoken question.

When I didn't answer he smiled again, and put his elbows on the table and layed his chin in his hands, just like I did.

We sat there for minutes, staring at each other. Talking, but without words. I took the time to look at his face. Little things I never noticed before, were so clear.

He had tiny streaks of black in his eyes, small freckles sprinkled his nose and a tiny birth mark on his jaw. It was barely noticeable and looked like an odd shaped star.

His face was so adorable, his eyes so calm as he stared into mine.

My breathe caught in my throat and my face flushed, but I kept a poker face.

Or I thought I did.

A slow smirk appeared on his face and I could tell he was up to something.

He leaned even closer to my face and brushed his lips against mine, he was teasing me, he knew I reacted to him this way.

I waited for him to kiss me like he usually did, but instead he moved his lips to my ear.

"You don't want to know, dove." Was all he said. Then he pecked my cheek and sat back in his chair, smiling.

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