Chapter 15 - Part 1

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Synopsis: After Christopher has been removed for a second time, memories reappear and seem to transform Carlisle. With his memory rein-tact, he must find the strength to tell his family the
truth about his forgotten past.

Carlisle's Story Begins

"How is he?" Edward asked as he and Bella raced inside the Cullen house.

They were running late from college that evening and were hoping for a change. Inside, they found Alice comforting a distraught Esme while Jasper hovered in the background.

"He's had himself locked in that damned office for three days now!" Esme moaned, "I've never seen Carlisle act this way... or ignore me."

Esme looked up at Edward as he approached and told him, "He won't see any of us, but he wanted to see you as soon as you got home."

Edward began walking upstairs to Carlisle's study. Edward passed Emmett and Rosalie's empty room. Emmett had forced a heartbroken Rosalie to leave the Cullen family temporarily. Emmett had promised they'd return in a week, when Rosalie and possibly Carlisle were back to their normal selves.

Edward came to Carlisle's study door. He could have just had easily broken the door down as could the rest of his family, but Carlisle was craving solitude. The classes that he and Bella were taking were a double edged-sword. Edward desperately wanted to quit the silly insignificant classes... but what would he do with himself if he did?

Edward knocked softly at Carlisle's door. A few seconds later a stranger opened the door. Well, it was Carlisle but definitely a stranger...a stranger wearing Carlisle's face... a worn and broken face.

"Please, Edward, please come inside," whispered Carlisle.

'Wait,' Edward thought to himself, not only was the face a stranger... but the mind... the mind that he knew so well was not the mind of his father. Edward's eyes grew in amazement as he returned the blank, dark stare of his father... or the man who had been his father.

"Edward," Carlyle began, "I need to talk to our family, I just knew that I had to see you first since you'd read it from me anyway."

Edward read the brokenness and disparity from his father and said, "Of course, I'll help you any way that I can. No matter what you say, they'll still love you. Just as much as I still love you."

Carlisle blinked three times then rushed to his son and enfolded him in his arms.

"I love you so much," Carlisle whispered. "You've been my firstborn for centuries," he continued, "but you're not my firstborn," he sobbed.

Edward pulled away from Carlisle's embrace in order to look him in his eyes, "I realize that now, Carlisle. Please don't be afraid... don't be afraid for any of us to know the truth. We'll understand.... Esme will understand too."

So, hand in hand, father and son went downstairs to find their family. There was a lot of explaining to do.

They all sat at the dining table once more. Carlisle seated himself beside his darling, Esme, and gazed at her with an earth shattering love. He reached over and took her hand in his own. Carlisle kept looking at Esme and opening his mouth, as if he wished to confide something to her.

Esme looked away from her husband until her gaze settled on Edward. "What's wrong with him?" she demanded.

"Should I tell her?" Edward asked his father.

In answer, Carlisle could only close his black eyes and sigh.

"Carlisle is going through a lot of emotions right now," Edward said, "I mean, how would each of us feel if we suddenly lost our mate?"

That was something everybody in the room knew. If a vampire suddenly lost his mate, he'd seek revenge, then possibly attempt to end his own life.

"I don't understand," Esme said, her eyes desperately going from Carlisle's and Edward's.

Carlisle opened his mouth to speak, but Edward cut in, "Esme, what Carlisle has to say is going to shock you, as well as the rest of our family. BUT, you have to know that you're the only reason for him to even want to continue with his life at this moment."

Esme, looked at her suffering mate and told him, "There's nothing you can say that will change how I feel about you, Carlisle."

"Good," Carlisle said, "I have a lot to tell you all."

- continued -

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