Chapter 19 - Part 1

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I left England and Christopher as fast as my feet would carry me. As I approached the mainland on a ferry, I let my mind run wild with plots to locate and escape with Helena. Now that I was away from Christopher, she was all my mind could think about...I had to find her and get her back.

When the ferry docked in France it was already becoming twilight, I knew I'd be safe to walk about with no worries of detection.

When the sky finally darkened I ran like a blur knowing nobody could see me. As I hedged the boundaries of Paris I lowered by pace and then I realized that it had been several days since I'd left my sweet son Christopher.


I also realized that it had been a while since I last fed and I was beginning to feel hungry again. Dammit! I should have eaten when I was in the forest thicket.

Suddenly a wretch approached me as my speed slowed to a walk. I knew her for the French harlot that she was, but she could only gaze at me admiring my beauty.

And I knew I was beyond beautiful...beyond handsome, easily capturing any human's eye... or vampire's for that matter. I was tall for a man of that time being 6"2'. My pale blonde hair was silky to the touch. I was well-formed and was of a substantial least that's what the ladies told me.

The harlot told me that her name was Maria and I followed the slut back to the whorehouse that was her livelihood.

As Maria and I entered I could feel the eyes of the other harlots as their eyes gazed upon me with desire. I knew they were jealous and wanted me and it was natural. Of course there were always the ones who were attracted to me, but also repelled due to my vampiric alieness. As Maria led me to a backroom, another harlot joined us, promising me a freebie. I closed the door.


The blood of the two dead prostitutes was enough to sustain me for the rest of my journey. I ran like the wind, continuing even during the daylight because...because I just didn't give a big damn any more. The faster my legs carried me...the sooner I'd be reunited with my darling Helena...reunited with my reason for living.

Several more days past, and I entered Italy. Within hours I found myself within the township of Volturi, where I slowed myself to what seemed like a snail's pace.

As I approached Aro's mausoleum of a castle, two pale figures joined me.

"Greetings," said Felix, "I'm Felix and my companion is Demetri."

I suddenly realized that they had no idea who I was. Helena's mental barrier wall still up.

I hastily replied, "Greetings, you may call me Carlisle."

They escorted me to the throne room, where I saw Marcus, Aro, and Caius, perched on their thrones like gods made of the whitest ivory.

Felix bowed before his masters as he introduced me. There were vampires everywhere... the three self-righteous asses and their entire entourage... I mean guards and everything, but nobody seemed to recognize me.

"Greeting my newfound friend," spoke Aro as he glided towards me with his hand extended.

I bowed to him and humbly said, "Forgive me your majesty, but I almost never touch others. Please accept my apologies."

Aro stared into my glowing red eyes and said, "Never?"

I looked into Aro's muddy red eyes and replied, "No, hardly ever. I can only bear the brief moments of my victims touch," I claimed. "I've been this way ever since I was changed," I finished.


Well, I was finally how in the hell was I supposed to find Helena without being obvious and giving myself away?

Days began to pass...and then months. The Volturi seemed to accept me...I even joined in when they participated with their pathetic blood orgies.

The entry to Helena's chamber was unblocked; the huge stone, which had blocked it, was not even in sight. I felt myself growing apathetic as the months stretched into years, I was becoming the soulless monster that I had always tried to avoid.

Then one day Demetri brought in a boy and presented him to Aro.

"Job well done!" Aro said as he praised Demetri.

The boy looked to be anywhere from twelve to fourteen and although beautiful to the extreme, he was dressed like a common peasant. His pale skin was luminescent, and he had dark hair and violet eyes.

'But where was his smell?' I questioned myself...because he didn't smell like a human.

The realization hit me as Aro said to the boy, "Sing for us!"

The boy only angrily looked around the room full of vampires...he actually glared at us unafraid, as if we were the dirt stuck to his filthy shoes.

Demetri headed straight for the boy and smacked him painfully across the room. All the other vampires laughed heartily as the boy struggled to get back upon his feet, so I joined in as well.

However, Felix's face was solemn. He walked over to the boy and helped him to stand and said, "You must sing... or you'll be severely punished.

Aro looked at the boy again and commanded, "Sing."

The boy opened his mouth and it was as if I were transported to heaven, for it sounded like a chorus of angels singing. The boy was a 'Minstrel,' I knew it!

"Welcome home my dear one," Aro told the boy after he had finished.

"Chain the boy up in the chamber for now," commanded Aro as several of the guards took the boy and chained him in Helena's chamber."

- continued -

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