Chapter 25 - Part 1

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Christopher and I had had an ecstatic time at Hyde Park that day. We came back to the house and ate our supper...or at least Christopher did...I just rearranged the vegetables on my plate. I did the same thing with the Apple Charlotte for dessert.

Christopher excused himself, and climbed the stairs to prepare for a bath and then bed. I went into my study and began going over my personal holdings. It felt marvelous to be so rich...and to have all the Shaws possessions added to it was just the cherry on top!

The grandfather clock finally struck one a.m. I thought that I should grab myself someone to eat. I could make a mad dash into one of the London ghettos, drink somebody and be home before Christopher ever knew I left.

Suddenly I heard two at the front door...and another upstairs.

'Hmmm...thieves...' I thought. Perhaps I wouldn't have to leave the house after all!

I went downstairs to approach the thieves and have my supper. However, I was in for a huge surprise. As I glided down the stairs to the front door I was suddenly pounced upon.

It was a force so strong, I couldn't fight against it. I sniffed the air and realized it was filthy perfumed with the air of vampires. Demetri and Felix held me tightly within their grasps. I struggled against them in an effort to fight them off.

Suddenly I heard a voice say, "STOP!" as it descended the staircase.

I managed to look over and there was Heathcliffe smiling at me evilly. In his left hand he held up Christopher dangling in midair as Heathcliffe held the top collar of my son's nightshirt.

"You had better cooperate with us," ordered Heathcliffe, "...or I can throw the boy through a window, or rip him into shreds...or better yet...have him for dinner!"

I immediately stopped my struggles against Demetri and Felix.

"Put him down immediately!" I snarled at Heathcliffe.

The only answer I received was the laughter from the three vampires.

"Don't kill the boy," commanded Felix, "He's a 'Singer' and Aro will want to add him to his collection."

They had me...pure and simple. As long as they held Christopher's life in their hands...I was basically their puppet...and they knew it!

The three Volturi henchmen insisted on leaving for Italy that very moment. I begged them to allow Christopher to get properly dressed but they refused. I then begged for them to allow me to carry Christopher myself...but only received more laughter.

We traveled fast and furious. I knew that Christopher was suffering from extreme hunger and thirst but the three Volturi guards only ignored me.

I finally convinced Felix to stop long enough for Christopher to drink some water...otherwise he'd never survive the long trip.

We had already crossed the English Channel and were into France when Felix stopped at a small stream.

Demetri held me as I watched Heathcliffe toss Christopher upon the ground.

I watched in agony as my son crawled to the streambed and moved his hands apart in the water, clearing it of any debris. Christopher cupped his hands and began drinking the water thirstily.

A low growl formed itself deep in my throat...I was so damned mad but I honestly didn't know what to do.

After he had his fill of water, Christopher hastily went behind a small bush growing nearby in order to relieve himself.

The three guards began mocking him...ridiculing and laughing at him. I HATED them! Damn them to hell!

"I'll carry him the rest of the way," Felix told the other two morons.

We continued our fast pace, however, Felix appeared a bit more gentle and kinder to Christopher...I was at least relieved at that.

When we finally reached Volturi, I was afraid that Christopher was dead...but then I heard his heartbeat.

Christopher was simply wiped out...exhausted from the long trip.

Vampires have a habit of forgetting that humans (and Minstrels) needed to eat several times a day...that they had to drink water...that they had to relieve themselves...that they required sleep.

As we entered the throne room, I saw that the three asses were still perched upon their thrones. Much of their guard was still there...although there were some new faces among the crowd.

I also noticed 'Cantor' was still here. The Minstrel appeared as a boy about twelve to fourteen the last that I saw him all those many years ago. Now he had the appearance of a handsome young man perhaps approaching twenty.

Cantor stood there...he wore a white robe and was chained and manacled to the wall. He couldn't take his violet eyes off of Christopher.

Aro approached me saying, "Shame, shame Carlisle...relying upon Helena's tricks has not served you well at all," he smiled.

Well... I'd be damned! They figured everything out. Helena's wall of perception must have somehow failed.

Aro continued, "Living in the lap of luxury eventually gave you away. Once we discovered you...and recalled everything, I sent for you at once."

Aro came nearer and forcibly took my hand. He closed his eyes for a moment and began to smile his evil smile...he knew ALL my secrets now.

"Release Carlisle at once," Aro demanded.

Demetri and Heathcliffe still held me tightly with a look of confusion upon their faces.

"Go ahead and release him...he's not going long as we keep the boy...and he's staying right here," Aro drawled.

"Your perfectly free to leave and go as you like," Aro said mockingly to me.

He KNEW that I'd never leave without Christopher.

"Take the young Singer to the lower chamber and chain him," demanded Aro as he sat down upon his throne.

Suddenly Cantor came forth...and he did something that I could tell well as all the other vampires were shocked to see. Cantor began to beg. Aro looked on in amazement as Cantor knelt in front of him and begged, "Please master...keep him in my chamber...I've never asked for anything master...just this one thing I beg you!"

Aro gave Cantor a quizzical look...I knew that Aro's talent didn't work with a Minstrel. None of the vampiric talents worked on them...but brute strength.

Finally, Aro patted Cantor lightly on the if you would a dog and said, "I will agree to this my pet, as long as your behavior remains as such."

I watched in horror as Christopher's limp body was taken into Cantor's chamber and chained. The exact same chamber that had once belonged to his mother.

- continued -

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