Chapter 13 - Part 2

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Discussion of Terror

As Carlisle entered his home, he noticed a strange tension in his house.

Edward rushed to Carlisle and whispered, "Is it possible for a vampire to go insane?"

"Why would you even need to ask that, Edward?" Carlisle asked in return.

"Well, I try not to read all of your minds" Edward said, "I do my best, but I can't help it if somebody's mind is literally screaming!" Edward said. "Please check on Rose, she's been a nervous wreck. I noticed the minute Bella and I came in from school. She's not said anything, but the things she thinks are just impossible and don't make sense," Edward finished.

Carlisle was instantly up the stairs and knocking on Rosalie's door.

"Come in, Carlisle," she said.

Carlisle entered and spied Rosalie sitting on her bed, her eyes blank. "Are you all right?" Carlisle asked.

"I don't know," Rosalie, answered him haughtily. "It's been centuries since I've dreamed, but I can't explain what happened today... I saw him!" Before Carlisle could ask, Rosalie said, "I saw Christopher... I talked with him."

Carlisle sat down beside her, and Rosalie repeated the entire experience to him saying, "When I searched for him in the forest... I can't explain it... I've not felt scared in ages... but Carlisle... I was totally creeped out! I don't even want to go back into the woods at this point."

Carlisle comforted Rosalie the best that he could, and said, "I believe you. You won't have to hunt alone, one of us will go with you."

He began to open the door to leave when Rosalie said, "Christopher asked me to tell you that he still remembers you."

Esme and Alice were waiting outside Rosalie's door. "Is she okay... will she be all right?" Esme said with broken sighs.

Before Carlisle could answer Alice cried out, "Why am I missing things? I should have seen something that would upset her like this!"

Carlisle looked at Alice and said, "Call Emmett and tell him to get back home as soon as possible! When he gets home we'll have a family meeting, minus Rosalie."


Six hours later, the Cullens sat at their dining table. Carlisle knew what they all were thinking... that it seemed almost like yesterday when they had met here a over year ago to discuss Christopher. Carlisle repeated Rosalie's story to his family, with the exception of Christopher's message to him.

"Anyway," Carlisle continued, "Someone or something in the forest scared the hell out of Rosalie. We can't let her starve... so some of us will need to hunt with her for a while."

Emmett had felt guilty at his absence, but now he said fiercely, "Don't worry about her, Carlisle, I can take care of Rosalie."

Carlisle looked at his second son and said, "Emmett, this is something all of us need to do together. I'm getting tired of all the crap we've had to deal with since coming back together. I don't know why these things have happened... why sometimes Alice can't see... or why Edward can't hear. I just know we all have to get through this together, as a family."

Esme took Carlisle's hand and kissed his cheek. Jasper did his best to make Alice feel less responsible due to her 'gift' not working right. Bella tried to do the same thing unsuccessfully with Edward. Emmett just glowered.

Finally Emmett declared, "All I know is that somebody hurt Rosalie when they stole Christopher... and now somebody has tried to scare the livin hell out of her."

Something like a roar and snarl combined emanated from Emmett's chest as he said matter of factly, "I'll kill whoever hurts her again."

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