Chapter 33

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This chapter is dedicated to the character of Christopher. A character I've come to know and love.

Synopsis: With Christopher's return, the entire Cullen family becomes happy once again. However there is a deadline for this happiness.


His last decade would be some of the happiest years that Christopher would ever experience. For the Cullen's loved him so desperately.

Bella and Edward would occasionally take Christopher to their meadow, where they'd laugh as Christopher chased butterflies and hummingbirds among the many flowers in their quest for nectar. Occasionally Edward
would help Christopher fly a many-colored kite in the meadow.

Jasper and Alice adored taking Christopher wading or swimming in the brook that flowed near the house. Of course Alice was again purchasing new outfits for Christopher... she even had designed a few of them herself.

Rosalie was just happy having Christopher back again. However, her view changed...instead of a potential son, Rosalie had gained a little brother. The love that Rosalie felt for her little brother escaped all bounds, for she would do anything to help place a smile upon Christopher's face.

Emmett would spend his time with Christopher watching football, where Christopher would watch uncomprehendingly in his lap. Occasionally Emmett would get the family to form football teams to play with Christopher. Of course the team that had Christopher always won, because somehow the small child managed to score touchdowns despite playing against vampires.

Holidays were also a great delight for the Cullens. They'd erect a spectacular tree loaded with ornaments....almost all of the gifts would be intended for Christopher. Easter would also be a great delight, as Christopher would run from place to place searching for the hidden colorful eggs to add to his Easter basket.

Esme was delighted and ecstatic over the boy. Her own son had died as an infant, now she had the chance to be a mother again...for Christopher often became confused...and would occasionally think Esme his mother due to her relationship with Carlisle.

Carlisle... Carlisle truly couldn't recall a time that he was happier. He knew he wasn't the perfect vampire he had once viewed himself to be. But somehow...having Christopher helped mend the hole in his heart.

Carlisle could accept the evil things he had done in his past...knowing that if Christopher could accept these things and forgive him...then he should also be able to accept his past and forgive his own self.

He was a new Carlisle. A vampire, but a changed one. Carlisle could understand the failings of his family because he had often failed himself.

Carlisle also possessed a loving family and a wife that he loved beyond comprehension. Adding Christopher to the mix...Carlisle became a creature of love, understanding and forgiveness, instead of a monster filled with evil, hate and revenge. Carlisle couldn't explain it, but somehow having Christopher back gave him redemption.

The only thing the Cullens didn't celebrate were birthdays....especially Christopher's birthdays. Each passing year reminded the Cullens that their time with Christopher was limited and also going by fast.

After a few years, Edward and Bella still took Christopher to their meadow. However, now Christopher was uncoordinated and often stumbled and fell as he attempted to run after butterflies in the multicolored flowered meadow.

Emmett no longer attempted to teach Christopher how to play just became too technical for the small child to comprehend.

As the years sped on by...the Cullens watched as Christopher slowly forgot how to walk. Rosalie and Esme took turns carrying him. But, as the situation progressed, Carlisle decided to take a leave of absence from the hospital.

As time went by Christopher's mind became so immature that it no longer produced the protective screen that all Minstrels possessed. Edward discovered that he could now read Christopher's mind...although there really wasn't much to read at that point.

Christopher eventually reverted into a two-year-old child. He could still speak, but he usually called Esme or Rosalie "Ma-Ma" and Carlisle "Da-Da."

Christopher forgot how to eat...even if the Cullens tried to feed him themselves. But Christopher had just a few teeth left anyway. Eventually they were forced to buy baby-formula and feed him with a bottle.

Soon after that...Christopher forgot the Cullens and stopped talking. All with the exception of Carlisle and the word, "Da-Da."

Finally...something happened that Carlisle would never forget...never forget in a million years because it pierced his heart. Christopher forgot Carlisle.

Carlisle would spend hour upon hour attempting to get Christopher to speak or to recognize him. But all that Christopher seemed to want to do now was sleep. The child was quickly growing to resemble a one-year-old.

One day, Carlisle was in the family room holding Christopher in his arms. The child had had a fitful night and had been restless. Both Rosalie and Esme offered to take the child, but Carlisle resisted.

As his entire family watched, Carlisle held the one-year-old appearing infant in a rocking chair. He remembered when Christopher had actually been a one-year-old...and how his loving Helena had sang like an angel to the boy.

Suddenly Christopher opened his midnight blue eyes and stared into Carlisle's eyes.

As the pair held the gaze...suddenly Edward's face became excited and animated.

"Carlisle!" Edward began, "He remembers you...Christopher remembers you!"

Carlisle looked down upon his son's dark blue midnight eyes...and for the last time, Carlisle saw his own human eyes reflected in them.

While Carlisle held him, Christopher slowly closed his eyes...he took one small deep breath and exhaled...and then he died.

Carlisle finally recognized the sword that Rachel had warned would pierce his heart.

Carlisle finally recognized the sword that Rachel had warned would pierce his heart

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Author's Note: This is NOT the ending...

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