Chapter 36

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The Gift - Carlisle's Future

Synopsis: Carlisle receives a gift from Christopher and the Minstrels.
The Cullen's eventually do live "forever." But is living forever a gift?
 You, reader, should be the judge and jury on that question.

Even immortals don't live forever....
(-Eric Northman, vampire, TrueBlood)

 (-Eric Northman, vampire, TrueBlood)

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Carlisle sat the gift-box on the ground and opened it. What he found within the box, Carlisle would cherish these gifts for eternity within his heart.

For what lay inside the box was an ancient and beaten up bag.

Inside the bag were some threadbare cloth...that actually disintegrated upon Carlisle taking them out into the fresh open air.

But what caused Carlisle to gasp were the two gifts inside the old beaten-up bag. For Carlisle discovered a small blue cup and an old deteriorating sock-bear.

These two gifts Carlisle would cherish beyond all gold or other treasures, and they would remain with him for the rest of his lifetime.

Carlisle did resume his work as a doctor...and he became the kind, generous, and loving person that his son had always wanted him to be.



Christopher would have been happy because Carlisle did live for eternity, along with Carlisle's entire vamparic family.

The Cullens outlived the Minstrels...and then later humanity itself.

Carlisle would outlive the Volturi and witness their fall from grace.

Carlisle would outlive the Earth... forcing him and his family to abandon the planet. As Carlisle and his family left Earth they witnessed the sun transform into a red-giant and swallow up the Earth.

The Cullens had hallowed out an asteroid between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. The interior of the asteroid was like a mini-worldlet containing forests and rivers, both stocked with wild animals and fish.

This worldlet served as both a place to live as well as a starship.

The Cullens would discover several other Earth-like worlds where they could live. Oxygen levels wouldn't matter since they didn't need to breathe air...but once the suns would exhaust their energies, the Cullens would be forced to leave again.

Eventually, the Cullens would witness the beginning of the end of the universe.

Over millennia stars seemed to glimmer and die.... with no new stars taking their place... .leaving a cold and empty void.

At last, it would only be a matter of time before the universe fell in upon itself and imploded... this would be the final destruction that would eventually end the Cullen Family.

Soon the Cullens seemed to exist within a dark starless vastness of space.

The family eventually located a small dimly lit star. So dim, that its light actually shown more like Earth's moon than a star. But there was no other place to go.... no other stars that they could detect.

The worldlet revolved around the small star in a closely tight orbit, in order to absorb any energy the small star might radiate.

Finally the day came when Alice told her family that the time was nearing.... that soon.... within hours... the universe would implode.

The entire Cullen family gathered together to listen to Edward play the piano for the last time. Afterwards, Edward and Bella clasped one another and sobbed.

Although both Edward and Bella still remembered their daughter perfectly, Renesmee had died many millions of years ago. Renesmee wasn't immortal.... but only half-immortal.... finally Renesmee's human parts just wore out. Jacob had already been dead for quite some time when his wife finally died herself. But Carlisle knew that both Edward and Bella were again saying their goodbye's to both Jacob and Renesmee.

The entire family then kissed and hugged each other their last goodbyes.

Carlisle held Esme's hand with his right hand....however, in his left hand he held the remnants of a small sock-bear and the shards of an old blue cup.

"Get ready," Alice quickly warned.

Carlisle was at peace with his and his family's deaths... knowing that his loving Helena and his precious Christopher were with the Creator...and that they would actually be the ones to 'live' forever.

"It's happening," Alice warned her family.

Carlisle began to think of his previous family... the one that consisted of Helena, Christopher and himself. Over the millinea, Carlisle would occasionally try to communicate with the Creator thru prayer or sometimes a maniacal fit. It never worked... Carlisle knew the Creator couldn't hear him due to him being a vampire. But, Carlisle would hope that a very small, infinitesimal part of the Creator might remember him since Helena and Christopher had both returned to the Creator after their deaths. Carlisle deperately wanted to see them one more time or bid them farewell.

As the universe began to implode upon itself.... suddenly a miracle happened... something unheard of before took place... Carlisle began to cry 'actual' tears.

As the tears fell down his face, Carlisle whispered, "Farewell Helena and my beloved Christopher. I love you."

And then he was no more.

-The End

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