Chapter 27

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After Singer left us I told Christopher to stay hidden in the cavern until I returned.

We were currently in the upper parts of Italy so I ran into the city of Malon, Italy. I broke into a travel-clothing store that evening and stole traveling clothes and accessories for both my son and myself.

I also located a closed small eatery near the same area...and I placed water in the canteens I had stolen. I also took a large bowl of pasta thick with tomato sauce.

I returned to the small cavern in the wood and found my son waiting for me. He ate most of the pasta and drank much from one of the canteens.

"Christopher, you'll need to hurry and get into your travel clothes, for as soon at twilight begins we will be on the rush to leave this place." I told my son.

"Where are we going, Father?" my son asked.

"We're heading for Northern Germany. My mother's people had some land there near Hamburg. There was some land with a small cottage that was left to her, and then went to me when she died. I think we'd be pretty safe there."

Christopher only nodded and began preparing for our trip.

Suddenly his face shot up and he asked me, "Father, is there any way we could go by our house in London to get a few things?"

I shook my head and said, "No, Christopher...that would be too unsafe. There's no telling if the Volturi are there waiting for us."

Christopher looked upset and said, "But I have my things there, Father. We have to back to get them!"

"Don't worry, Christopher, I will buy you anything you want...replace anything you already have," I promised him.

Christopher just looked down at his feet and said softly, " can't replace everything."

As soon as Twilight hit, I began racing towards Germany. Once there I stopped in Zurich and placed my son within a small inn, promising the innkeeper double the money if he made sure Christopher was well fed while I was out for the night.

I went into a bank after closing hours and completely robbed them in a blink. Sometimes it's just too easy being a vampire. I was so thrilled when I returned to the inn that I paid the innkeeper three times the amount.

Christopher and I continued this habit all the way until we reached Hamburg. I would steal from a bank...while my son waited unknowingly at an inn. By the time we reached Hamburg I was pretty much loaded.

I located the little stone cottage on the outskirts of Hamburg that I had inherited from my mother. It was in bad shape, but it was still erect. I cleaned a room and made a small pallet for Christopher to sleep upon.

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