Chapter 10

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A New Discovery

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A New Discovery

Another week went by, but with a new discovery. Edward had sat at the grand piano and began playing. When he noticed Christopher standing beside him, he smiled at the boy and began playing classical. Christopher loved Edward's playing, but it was apparent that the boy was mesmerized when Edward played classical tunes.

As he played, Edward would sneak a peak at his small audience. Today, Rosalie had dressed Christopher in blue dress shorts, a bright yellow shirt, matching yellow socks, and a small pair of Buster Browns. His soft brown hair was parted on the left and fell in neat soft waves. Edward couldn't help but smirk; Rosalie was treating the boy like her own personal doll.

Edward was going through his mental menu of songs and began to play "Pie Jesu" when suddenly he heard the most beautiful clear soprano.

Stunned, Edward forced himself to continue playing as the boy sang. Suddenly, Edward was aware that his entire family had rushed in, looking as if they had appeared from nowhere.

The Cullen's attempted not to appear too "vampy" in front of the boy, however, this action surprised him and his midnight blue eyes grew wide as he stared in astonishment at their sudden appearance.

Jasper smiled, "I don't think I've heard anything so beautiful." His wife, Alice, who had a lovely voice of her own agreed with her husband.

Rosalie was about to open her mouth, when Carlisle asked, "How did you get him to sing, Edward?"

Edward began to answer his father, then he noticed the emotions emanating from Carlisle's face. All of his family looked rather stunned due to the beautiful voice, but Carlisle seemed unable to swallow, he actually swayed on his feet as if he might fall.

"I haven't the foggiest idea why he began singing," Edward began, "Maybe that particular song was familiar to him."

Despite their coaxing, none of them could convince the boy to sing again.


Later that night, Emmett went into his bedroom, where he found his wife watching the sleeping boy.

"Rosalie," Emmett whispered, "come downstairs and talk to the family."

"No," replied Rosalie without looking at her husband, "If he wakes he might get scared. He might leave us!"

Emmett knew this was just an excuse to stay with the boy. Rosalie had left the boy sleeping several times only to discover him gone, and after a brief search she'd find Christopher fast asleep in Carlisle's arms. Emmett knew his wife was jealous of how Christopher constantly sought out Carlisle.

Emmett put a hand on his wife's shoulder, "You need to come, it's a family meeting."

"What about?" asked his wife.

"Christopher" Emmett replied.

With one last look at the boy, Rosalie quickly arose and followed her husband.

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