Chapter 28 - Part 2

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Alexandra's Plan

After Lucy was done with her job, I was now a dried up husk... no blood and no venom in my body.

Aro said, "Throw Carlisle and the boy both into the chamber. Either the boy will start singing...or Carlisle will drain the boy himself."

I could hear Christopher's chains rattle as he moved back into the chamber.

I couldn't move...I didn't have the energy to get up and stand on my own.

Santiago picked up my skeletal body and walked to the chamber entrance and threw me inside where I landed like a boulder onto the floor.

As they sealed the chamber Christopher came over to my weak skeletal body and asked, "Father...Father....Are you all right? How can I help you?"

I could only manage a weak hiss and told him, "Stay away Christopher....I'm not safe like this."

We were like this for several days and then one day Alexandra unblocked the secret entrance. She re-blocked the entrance and walked over to the cot where Christopher was sitting and sat beside him.

"Minstrel, we need to talk. I can help you and your father," Alexandra said.

"How?" Christopher asked.

"You must create another memory barrier wall and you must make this one your strongest....stronger than your previous ones." Alexandra said.

"I just don't know what to do...I never seem to be able to replace or alter their memories correctly," my son said.

Alexandra's eyes fell upon me and said, "I think you know why your walls don't last. You will have to learn to become strong and to stop leaning upon your father. There will come a time when you'll need to leave him and find your own people."

"Shut your damn mouth," I hissed out to her.

Alexandra just ignored me and kept speaking, "Christopher, take away their memories of, Carlisle, and myself. Then implant a false memory that they could believe or find reasonable."

"What should I do?" whispered Christopher worriedly.

"There is a coven," Alexandra continued. "The coven is from Romania. The Romanian Coven HATES the Volturi. Create a memory that the Romanian Coven is planning a war against them. That they have created an army of vampires to war against the Volturi."

"You must make them think that all the Volturi need to rush to Romania as soon as possible in order to destroy the Romanian Coven," Alexandra finished.

"I'll try my best," Christopher answered shakily.

"No, you must not try... you MUST do it!" Alexandra answered.

Christopher's face looked deep in thought and concentration.

Suddenly I felt disoriented and I knew at once that Christopher had placed up another mental barrier wall.

"I think that I was able to do it" my son said, "But we should probably wait until late evening to be sure."

That evening Alexandra removed the stone blocking our entry. We found the castle practically empty besides from the wives and their guards.

Alexandra gathered me in her arms and Christopher upon her back, then we began our run.

Alexandra carried me all the way to France where she located a small cave.

She looked upon my son and said, "I will be leaving you now."

Christopher asked her, "But where are you going?"

Alexandra said, "I'm going back to Greece. I was the Delphi Oracle there many thousands of years ago...and I wish to return. It's where I truly belong."

"Wait!" Christopher spoke in a loud and worried voice.

Christopher looked upon my emaciated skeletal look.

Then my son asked "What about my father? I can't carry him...he's too heavy. How can I help him?"

Alexandra gazed into Christopher's dark blue eyes and said, "You KNOW what you need to do for him. That's your choice. If you decide to do it, then he'll be well enough in a few months for him to travel himself."

Then Alexandra was away with the wind.

I wondered what Alexandra had meant when she said that he had to decide what to do for me?

I came to realize what she meant when the next day Christopher left the cavern. After a few hours my son returned...but he had a guest...a large buck was with him.

Christopher walked past me as the large deer followed him. The buck felt my presence and began to shake in terror. Before he could bound out of the cave...I was upon him and drained the great deer in seconds.

Christopher was gone when I looked up from my prey.

A few hours later, Christopher returned with a wild boar. I attacked the boor and drained it as well. I was feeling slightly stronger with my vital fluids being replaced as Christopher brought in animal after animal.

That night Christopher cried himself to sleep. I knew exactly why. He was using his mental communication power to 'talk' to these animals. They became his friends and then he sacrificed them to me.

It was breaking his heart.

This went on for at least two months. Finally I felt well enough to travel again. I had regained my robust self again...the emaciated skeletal thing I had become was now a thing of the past.

When I felt well enough to travel Christopher told me, "Father, we must leave here and go back to England...back to where you and mother first lived. Back to the house in which you were born...back to Sheltingham.

I raised my eyes to object but Christopher cut me off cleanly.

"No, Father, we're returning. I've built a better and more fortified wall....and the Volturi would never believe that we would actually ever go back there."

I could only nod in agreement. We would return to England.

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