Chapter 25 - Part 2

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Arm and Arm

Several weeks went by. I had no choice but to stay with the Volturi...there was no WAY that I'd even consider leaving Christopher with them.

Finally Felix approached me and told me to follow him.

I assumed we were going to the throne room...but instead Felix led me down a different corridor to the other side of the castle. The huge vampire finally stopped and removed what looked like a small cornerstone in the corridor.

Felix took a step back and said, "Go have fifteen minutes."

I crawled on my hands and knees through the small opening and suddenly I caught the smell of Minstrels. I stood up and realized that I had been led into the holding chamber by a secret passage...for I saw my son laying on a cot.

Christopher looked almost like his old self again. Cantor, the Singer sat near him, and ran a calming hand over Christopher's hair as he helped my son with a glass of water.

Both were in heavy chains. Suddenly they both noticed me...Christopher with surprise and relief. However Cantor's violet eyes only displayed hatred and loathing.

I quickly ran to Christopher and took one of his hands and kissed his forehead.

Christopher smiled up to me and said, "I'm better now Father, Cantor has nursed me back to health."

I noticed a table nearby, a pitcher of water was on well as several plates loaded with fruits and vegetables.

"Thank you, Cantor," I said.

Cantor only glared at me with his violet eyes and then turned away.

My gaze fell again to my son as I said, "I don't know how I'll do it...but I'll get you out of here."

"I've been working on my memory gift Father," my son said.

"I just haven't learned to replace the memories I've erased with new ones. That's why my memory barrier walls always crash back down. If I erase memories...they must be replaced with new ones or it's only temporary for a very short while," Christopher told me.

"When do you think you'd be able to create a new wall?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure," Christopher said, "But, I think I'm getting strong enough to create one but it won't last for more than a few hours," my son replied.

"I want to take Cantor with us when we escape." he further added.

I could hear Felix's voice on the other side of the small opening warning me that my time was finished.

I quickly went through the secret opening and Felix immediately resealed it. .

The following day I could hear Cantor singing from the throne room and so I followed the sweet sound.

As I entered I noticed that the throne room was full of vampires...who were enchanted by the sound of Cantor's music. Christopher was near him, both were dressed in white robes and both chained to a wall.

Once Cantor was finished with his song...Aro's eyes fell upon my son.

"Christopher," Aro soft voice began, "You've been here plenty long's time for you to sing for your supper."

Of course Aro knew my son's name...he'd read it from my mind...but he had to also know that Christopher no longer sang.

I could tell Christopher was making some feeble attempts to sing...his mouth opened and closed and his chin quivered....but no sound came from my son's mouth.

"I think all you need is a little convincing," said Aro with a smile.

Christopher's dark blue eyes along with Singer's violet eyes looked upon Aro in question and confusion.

Aro shifted his gaze from Christopher onto myself and said, "Kill Carlisle."

Swiftly Heathcliffe was beside me, he wrapped his left arm around my throat as his right hand began to pull upwards at my chin.

Suddenly Christopher went to the floor on his knees before Aro's feet.

Christopher began to beg, "Please...! Anything but that! Give me some time Master!...I beg you!"

Aro gazed upon my son and said with an evil grin, "Heathcliffe, I think I'll take the advice you gave me earlier. Do it!"

Aro looked upon Christopher with his muddy red eyes and said, "Christopher, my pet, hold out your arms...I have a gift for you."

Suddenly Heathcliffe released his hold on me.

Then I felt a strange tugging and a sound like a huge boulder being ripped apart. All at once my right arm was gone and I quickly realized that Heathcliffe held my severed arm in his hands.

Aro said softly to Heathcliffe, "Present our gift to our dearest Christopher."

Christopher just knelt before Aro in horror as Heathcliffe laid my arm into my son's open hands.

Then Aro announced to Christopher with a grin, "For every day that you don't'll be presented with a piece of your father."

Aro wasn't worried about me leaving...he knew that I'd never leave without my son...that I'd give my life willingly for Christopher.

"You may take both Singers away now," Aro casually said.

I watched as my son was dragged away in he held my right severed arm in both his own arms.

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