Chapter 18 - Part 2

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We went to the nicest house in our community; it was actually a law office. A small placard read, 'Bernard Shaw, attorney.' Next to myself, he was the richest man in the area.

I had actually closed my own office sincy my family and I were planning to move.

We entered the law-office and Christopher remained in my arms while we waited in the lavish waiting area. Mr. Shaw walked through and cleared his fat dimpled throat.

"Ahem!...Mr. Cullen," he said as he reached out to take my freezing iron-like hand.

"Follow me," Mr. Shaw said as he waddled into his office.

He sat behind an opulent desk and motioned for me into a seat across from him. I studied Mr. Shaw, although I'd encountered him several times before. He was in his mid-forties and immensely fat with light brown receding hair.

"What can I do for you today?" he asked as he crossed his arms over his fat belly and chest.

"I'm here on some business," I replied, "I've come to set up a trust fund for my son and a place for him to stay while I'm away."

Shaw stared interestingly at Christopher, who sat upon my knee. "What do you want to do with him?" he asked me.

"I just need a safe place for him to stay a year or so," I answered him, "Of course money is of no option."

Shaw's eyes grew wide with interest, "Do you have any papers? Anything with a list of your personal holdings?" he asked me.

In answer, I simply handed him the papers I had assembled the previous night. I waited patiently until I heard him gasp and his heart speed up. I knew that Shaw only viewed me as a poor country doctor; he was just shocked at the extreme wealth I had accumulated.

"Well, Mr. Cullen, I have a nice estate, your son is welcome there as long he wishes," Shaw answered me winking an eye in his fat face.

I looked Shaw squarely in the eyes and warned, "There is a generous trust fund for his room and board. There is also a very generous fund for fine clothing, the best of food...whatever his desire. Do you understand me?" I said to Shaw seriously.

"Ohh! Of course I do...of course I do," ranted Shaw, "My wife and I have a pastle of kids. He'll fit right in," he promised. "I'm about to leave for lunch," he continued, why don't you accompany me?" Shaw asked.

I agreed and we set off in Shaw's carriage. It didn't take us long before we reached a large two-story house. We went inside and Shaw introduced me to his wife, Hortense. I studied the dumpy fat woman in front of me with little interest. Shaw directed me towards a huge table loaded with food while seven children of various ages greedily ate sloppily.

"Sit down! Sit down!" Shaw commanded, "I just want to speak with Mrs. Shaw for just a moment," Shaw said as he eagerly guided his wife from the room.

Christopher seemed reluctant to join at table, but I seated him on a bench, took a plate, and began loading it with vegetables and sat down beside him. I then spied a sliver of apple pie and reached over for it.

"No, that's mine!" screamed a fat pimply-faced boy of about fourteen.

I ignored him and took the piece anyway placing it on Christopher's plate. The teenager's face turned red as he glowered at Christopher. I felt my upper lip begin to rise as I snarled vehemently. The crowded table emptied suddenly. Hell, I must be more of a vampire than I thought. I think several of the brats had even soiled themselves.

Christopher just sat there and ate some of the pie. He then reached over to where one of the other children had sat, and began drinking the other boy's milk that he'd abandoned in his haste to leave the table.

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