Chapter 17 - Part 2

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Carlisle Goes Mental

The following evening, I entered Sarah's shack of a house, a different person... a lethal vampire.

"Where the hell is my boy?" I cruelly snarled at her.

Sarah just sat there in her dirty kitchen looking like an idiot... her mouth shaking.

There were nasty disgusting brats everywhere as I set more money on the table.

I saw Sarah's drunkard of a husband passed out in the next room. I smelled the rank air and caught the fresh sweet scent of my beloved Christopher.

Christopher sat under a counter, looking small, his legs drawn up to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. He was filthy... I'd never seen him like this before... Helena would have never allowed it.

"What have you done?" I seethed at Sarah, slapping her so hard that she went reeling across the room and onto the floor.

'Damned bitch,' I thought, 'I'd barely touched her.'

I kneeled and wrapped my arms around Christopher and took him straight home. Once inside, I stripped him of his filthy clothes. I took a pot of clean warm water from the fire and bathed him with a clean cloth.

"Where is Mummy?" he asked me warily as I washed him.

"I'll find her and bring her back to you, Christopher," I promised him.

I dried Christopher with a dry towel as he studied me carefully. I found a small clean shift and placed it onto him, it fell just below his little knees.

"Daddy, are you angry with me? Is Mummy gone because of something I did?" Christopher asked me, as I brushed his hair.

I began to sob and he stroked my nightmarish face. Christopher wasn't even five yet for God's sake! He spasmed and tears began to flow from his dark midnight blue eyes.

"Of course you've done nothing my precious little one," I attempted consolingly.

I wiped his tears away and kissed both of his eyes, tasting the salt from his tears.

"Are you hungry?" Christopher asked, "Will you be leaving me tonight?" he finished softly.

Why do you ask?" I questioned him, rubbing calming circles on his back.

"Your eyes are dark again," Christopher stated matter-of-factly.

I felt my eyebrow raise...he knew more than what I gave him credit for. I realized that I was starving... I'd have to quickly leave and eat the first warm-blooded thing I came across so I could return quickly to him.

"Yes" I told Christopher, "I'll return in minutes, before you have time to realize Daddy's gone."

"Ready for bed?" I asked him

Christopher swallowed and asked me cautiously, "But, am I to go with you? Will I eat today also?"

I looked at Christopher questioningly until I realized what he was trying to say. That bitch Sarah hadn't even bothered to feed him, despite my promise of a large allowance. I was going to kill her... I'd just go straight to her damned filthy house and drain the entire family!

I was so enraged that the table collapsed when I struck it. Christopher stared in shock and amazement; he'd never seen me react this way before today.


I glanced hastily around and spied some potatoes in a pail. I grabbed a couple and put them in a pan of water and placed it on the fire. I found a hard small loaf of bread and sliced him a piece.

'Is this all I have to offer my child?' I thought disgustingly to myself.

I never had to worry, Helena always kept Christopher fed.

Christopher knelt down, sitting himself on the floor, before the broken table. He didn't complain but nibbled on the hard bread.

"Mummy keeps a small pitcher of milk in the cabinet? Should I get it?" Christopher asked me.

Dammit! Of course he needs to drink something! Hell, even I drink!...but not milk.

I quickly went to the cabinet and filled Christopher small blue-colored cup with milk. I took the potatoes from the boiling water by hand not even noticing the heat. I mashed them and put a bit of milk with them. It had been so long since I was human, I couldn't remember if I even liked or ate potatoes.

I fed him the pathetic loathsome meal, then set him on the slopjar to relieve himself. Afterwards, I placed him in bed and left a candle lit so he'd have some light.

I'm leaving for only a few minutes, Christopher." I told my son who gave me a concerned look.

"Daddy will be back before you can say your prayers," I promised him.

I was gone in seconds... I was on my way to Sarah's house where I would feast like I haven't in years! I would drain her entire pathetic family... I was so damned excited!

Suddenly I stopped in my tracks. How would Christopher react when I returned with glowing red eyes to greet him? I'd probably make him piss himself. I immediately changed direction and headed for Sarah's small shed-like barn instead. I had paid her generously to care for Christopher...she could buy herself a new damn milk cow.

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