chapter 16

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"What the hell taehyung!?", yoongi said while holding his collars.

Taehying got out of yoongi's grasp and holds taehyun's collar.

"This brat is lying, so tell me the truth if you don't want me to break your teeth!", he said in a threatening voice.

"He's not lying, as I study with him", soobin said.

"How do you know?? We never showed you her picture??", namjoon said.

"It was lying on hyung's bed so as we recognized her we came up straight to you guys..", taehyun said.

"But how didn't taehyung saw her...I mean we had her picture a long time ago when jimin stole it from jihyo's phone..", hoseok said.

"Yeah...after all he always had went to your school meetings??", jin said.

"Yeah..If he stops flirting around with my teacher and fuck her up in the empty class room...".

"Taehyung you son of a b*!", jimin said..

"We could've have easily kidnapped  her...!"namjoon said.

Taehyung showed his box smile and was about to leave when jungkook pulled him back from the collar.

"Where the hell do you think your going??", jungkook said.

"Ummm no where.....", taehyung said while his voice was trembling.

"Guys he doesn't deserve to live?...let's kill the hell out of him!",yoongi said.

"Get him!!", namjoon said and they pushed taehyung to the ground and started kicking him

"Wa..wait a!!", taehyung said and they all stopped.

"What??", hoseok said.

Taehyung turned to the two youngsters.

"You said that she studies in your school?", taehyung asked

"She she's a graduate." Soobin said.

"Yeah I know and I don't care...but doesn't baekhyun and his group studies in that school??".

The guys turned to them both

"Yeah he Did...but he got expelled right the day before the graduation ceremony" taehyun said.

"Didnt he knew that the princess used to study in that school and with him??"taehyung asked which made the boys even more curious.

"At first I thought he knew when he and the princess were a famous couple in the school bu-", soobin was cut off by the boys.

"What the fuck!?", yoongi yelled

"So he tried his chance with the princess??", jungkook said but he got a strange feeling why was he angry about this.

"But..", taehyun said.

"But what!?", namjoon asked.

"But he broke up with her after he found out that she was an orphan". Soobin completed the sentence.

"Is he crazy or what!?"taehyung said as the guys laughed at his foolishness.

"I don't think he knew that she was the princess or else why would he have leave her?? For twice??".

"You said he got expelled....why??"jin asked

"I remember that the princess and her other 5 friends had bumped into their as they both started roasting each of her friend, I think her name was umji said that they only had lust and hunger in them when ever they saw a girl."

Gunshots Of Love (*EunKook Ff*) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat