Chapter 11

535 40 11

To BethieSimone

With mucho amore!

*Lexington, Kentucky

Noelle's POV

“Look, she's waking up.”

“'Bout time.”

“Men, how hard did you hit her?”

There's a chuckle.

“Quit asking questions and hand me the syringe.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course. The boss did say get her here safe and sound.”


“Well, she's safe. And by the sound, he meant no sound.”

There's a long pause.

“Look dude, this is the only way we can get her to not do to us what she did to those two guys we're replacing. I mean she almost killed them! And I heard one has amnesia now.”


Then there's a distant rummage before I feel a very sharp pain in the side of my neck. Everything goes black.


*✩Macon, Georgia

I let out a loud cough.

“Oh no not again! Quick get the chloroform!”

“But Dale, don't you think we've drugged her too much?”

There's an annoyed sigh.

I'll get it myself then Quincy.”

I cough and wince.

“Please don't... it's hurting me...”

“Dale c'mon... she said it hurts. And isn't that too much—?”


There's a loud thud and a groan. I suddenly feel something cover my nose and mouth tightly. I lift my hand and try to push it off but I inhale and drown in darkness all over again.


*Tampa, Florida

Keith's POV

I'm seething at the sight of her unconscious body.

How dare they touch her?  I only asked them to bring her here.

I had to do something. No one touches what is mine and lives to tell the story. I ponder over the thought and how it made me feel when my phone rang.

I move out of the bedroom to the balcony.

“What?” I answer grimly.


“Did you get it done?”

“Affirmative. You have nothing to worry about anymore.”


I'm about to hang up.

“Is she awake?”

I look over my shoulder and sigh.

“No. I've gotta go.”

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