Chapter 9

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*✩ Coral Gables, Florida

Kim's POV

I frown at the TV show he's been glued to since morning.

What is this?

“Santi, what are watching?” I ask him.

He doesn't respond.

“Is this what they call entertainment for children these days? What is that?” I ask with an almost disgusted look.

“The boy has a magical pet who can morph into anything” he rumbles, not blinking away from the TV screen.

“And that's entertainment?”.

“Yep” he answers, popping the 'p'.

“And you can't watch Legos like you usually do because?”.

“It's for babies” he replies curtly.

I arch a brow.

“Oh really?”.

“Yep” he answers, popping the 'p' again.

I grab the remote off the chaise.

“Well I think this will be more entertaining to you” I say and change the channel.

“Noooo! No! No! No! Noooo! Ahhhh!” he screeches.

I cover my ears and frown as he screams and trashes around on the ground, knocking things down.

“Hey, stop that Santiago!” I scold above the noise.

“What is going on here?!” my mother screams as she rushes in.

She sees a tantrum-throwing Santiago and looks at me.

“Where did I go wrong with you, Thema?”.

“And what did I do?” I chuckle.

She sees the remote in my hand and frowns.

“Gimme that!” she says and snatches it from my hand.

I nearly trip from the force she snatches it with. She changes the channel back to the kid's channel and the screeching which had turned into crying a few minutes ago, ceases.

God help me.

My mother turns to me with a scowl.

“Why would you purposefully upset my grandson, huh?”.

“I was just trying to get him interested in something else” I defend.

“Not all six-year-olds enjoy watching unnecessary channels, Thema”.

“Mother, National Geographic Wild is a very important channel and I'd prefer to have my son watch anything else than a boy with a magic pet” I grunt at the last words as I try to snatch the remote back.

My mother holds it out of my reach.

“You will do no such thing to my sweet boy”.

“Sweet boys don't throw unnecessary tantrums” I call out loudly.

Santiago turns to look at me with a cheeky grin on his face and sticks his tongue out at me.

“Did you see that, mother?” I gasp, trying hard not to laugh.

“No. And mothers don't purposefully annoy their children. It's in the Bible”.

I make a face.

“I'm not sure that's how the verse goes, mother”.

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