Chapter 4

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~6 months later~

*Chicago, Illinois

Noelle's POV

“Okay, this looks phenomenal on you, Elle!” my coworker Bailey shrieks, shaking my shoulders.

I laugh.


She smiles.

“So you're going to take it?”

I sigh and look at her.

“Oh I know that look. Bills and responsibilities. But don't worry. I'll pay.”

I shake my head.

“No Bails, I couldn't...”

“That's why she's not the only one paying” Logan, our other coworker pops up from behind Bailey.

“Logan not you too...”

“Come on Elle, it's only a pair of earrings,” he says.

It's vintage!

“And you know we'd do anything for you” Mallory adds, hugging me.

“Thank you guys!” I grin, hugging them.

“You guys are having a party without me?!” Sam shrieks, sashaying in, noisily chewing his gum.

“Of course not Sammy!” I laugh.

He pouts and hugs me. The front door tingles indicating a customer.

“We better get back to work,” Mallory says and everyone files out from the back.

In six months I've gone from being a maid, a cleaner, a babysitter, a gardener, an amateur vet, and a literature teacher to a bunch of spoilt kids, not to mention my auntie duties, a nurse for my crazy mother, a mother figure for my seventeen-year-old sister, a plumber, a carpenter and finally a waitress at the Chicago grind.

This is what my MBA is worth?!

“C'mon” Sam pulls me away.

Ruth; the oldest among us hands me the order for table eleven. I get to work; walking up and down, cleaning tables, and a smiley face on even when some customers make inappropriate comments.

“Elle, can you please handle the counter for me? I need a bathroom break” Logan asks.

“Sure, go ahead,” I say, handing over my tray to Mallory and walking behind the counter.

I take the orders.

~Two hours later... (In the SpongeBob SquarePants man's voice)

“Here you go. Come again” I grin at the elderly man.

Mallory slips beside me.

“Can you stop encouraging them? I'm tired” she whines, throwing her head back dramatically. “And table five just arrived. I can't.”

I laugh.

“Stay here, I'll handle your table,” I say glancing over.

Oh boy. High school kids. And particularly the jocks.

“This should be interesting" I murmur

I walk over.

“Hey, boys. Welcome to Chicago Grind. What would you like today?”

“Well, we would like three of the burrito mojado and a garden salad please?”

Well, they're awfully polite.

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