Bonus Chapter ♡

356 36 9

❀ Noelle's POV

“Shit!” I cuss and blow away the steam from the coffee I was brewing.

I inhale the nutty aroma and smile with relief. I'd missed brewing fresh pots of coffee every day to earn a decent living.

“Mmmm, what is that smell?”

I look up and see Hanna entering the kitchen while adjusting her bathrobe. Her eyes light up at the sight of me.


“Hi Hanna” I chuckle and move over to hug her small figure.

She pats my back and sweetly squeezes my cheek when she pulls away.

“Why didn't you wake me to get you something to eat? When did you get back? Keith didn't say anything to me.”

I smile.

“It was late when I got back. I didn't want to bother you. And besides Keith had something to do at the office so I decided to put myself to good use.”

Her mouth curved into a smile.

“I made coffee. You want some?” I ask setting two mugs on the island.

“Oh my dear, you should be resting. You just got back from the hospital.”

I simper and pour her a cup.

“I'm fine Hanna. Don't worry. Look, my hand is all healed. I was able to grind the beans and I didn't feel any pain” I say. “Cream and sugar?”

“Oh yes please dear. It smells so good.”

I smile and put my latte art to good use as she takes a seat.

“Voila!” I say, setting the coffee in front of her.

She takes a sip and the glow on her face warms my heart.

“This has got to be the best coffee I have ever had!” she exclaims.

I laugh and do a silly bow.

“What smells good in here?” Burke asks, walking in. “Morning Hanna.”

She waves at him, her mouth full of coffee. Burke turns and the corners of his mouth turn up.

“Why, Miss Noelle! I didn't know you were back home.”

“Hello Burke” I greet and hand him the second mug of coffee.

“But how did you find your way home? Did Keith bring you?”

“No” I say and point to the coffee in his hands. “You better drink that, it's going to go cold.”

He brings the mug to his lips and takes a sip.

“But if he didn't bring you how were you able to...” he trails off and eyes the cup of coffee in his hands suspiciously.

Hanna chuckles and pats his shoulder.

“Where'd you get this coffee? It's so good” he grins and takes a bigger sip.

“I brewed it” I answered.

“This is amazing Miss Noelle. Splendid!”

I smile and watch Hanna pour herself a second cup. I chuckle.

“Don't worry, I brewed three extra pots.”

The two share a look and smile.

“Oh I almost forgot” I say and open the oven. “I made coffee cake, bagels and doughnuts if you're up for any.”

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