Bonus Chapter ♡

212 24 8

❀ Noelle's POV

“Noelle?” a different voice calls out to me and I look away from the pair of brown eyes.

I glance at the man with pale skin. Everything about him still looked the same from his grey-blue eyes and dark brown hair which he'd grown and was now cascading down his back.


Before I can open my mouth to say his name, a pair of hands squeeze around me. I look down and relax into the hug when his dark curly hair catches my eyes. I squeeze him back and close my eyes, burying my chin in his hair.

“I knew you were alive. I just knew it” he sobs.

Wasn't I supposed to be alive?

I shake my confusion away and let out a sigh as we keep embracing each other.

“What are you doing here, Noelle?” Yuri asks.

I open my eyes and look up from the hug.

“I live here” I say.

“What do you mean you li...”.

“Maddox, how many times do I have to tell you to keep an eye on your sib...” she trails off and her eyes go wide. “What are you doing, with your arms around that woman?!” she shrieks.

Maddox turns but doesn't let go of me.

“Why are you still holding onto her? Get back!” she scolds.

“Angie, it's okay” I say, stepping in front of my nephew who keeps holding onto me.

Angela frowns.

“How do you know my name?”.

“Because it's Noelle” I hear Remington's voice come from behind her.

Angela laughs.

“You don't seriously think this woman your son is hugging is Noe...” she trails off again, probably taking a good look at me.

I smile and reach up to my ponytail and let it loose, allowing my hair to fall down my back.

“I finally got rid of the curls” I slowly say.

Her brown eyes begin to pool and she drops her purse and hurries to hug me. I hug her back.

“Oh, Dox kept saying it but we just...” she sobs.

“Está bien (It's okay)” I whisper to her.

She pulls away from me and tugs Maddox to her side before grabbing his face.

“I am so, so sorry we make you feel like what you had to say didn't matter, mi amor (my love)” she sobs loudly. “You were right all along”.

I smile sadly as Maddox hugs her.

“It's okay, mom”.

“You're alive?” I hear my brother's voice more closely now.

I turn and he's an arm's length away from me.


“Stay back!” he warns.

I pause and frown.

“What are you...”.

“Just... please...”.

He looked angry.

“Noelle, why are you here?” Angela asks.

I look away from my brother.

“I live here”.

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