Chapter 6

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*✩Chicago, Illinois

Noelle's POV

“So, what's this mystery about?” I ask Carter, taking a scoop of my ice cream.

He dips a strawberry in some chocolate and takes a bite.

“Want some?” he offers.

“You keep avoiding the question, Carter. What's up?”

“Hey did you know that Caleb and she-who-shall-not-be-named are over?”

I quickly swallow my ice cream.

“Oh my goodness that's the best news I've had in six... wait. You're trying to change the topic again aren't you?” I ask realizing it.

He's quiet. I stop eating my ice cream and reach for his hand across the table.

“Carter talk to me. I'm your best friend. What's wrong.”

He sighs and slips on his shades.

“It's my dad.”

“Oh my God is TT okay? What... what happened?! Why are we sitting here enjoying our Thursday afternoon when we should be at the hospital!”

“Okay chill Noelle!”

“How can I chill? Your dad is in the hospital for goodness sake...” I trail off and replay what he said. “You never mentioned anything about Terry being in the hospital did you?”

He chuckles.

“Nope. You overreact way too much.”

“Says the boy whose girlfriend is still drooling over blue toilet water,” I say with a sarcastic look.

He laughs.

“Now tell me what's wrong and be specific this time. I'd hate to give the waiter a wedgie.”

He smiles.


Speak bruh.

“My dad wants me to go Nunavut.”

“Ooh like on vacation? That's great! I wish I could come with you. But I can't, and even if I could, I wouldn't because toilet water is going to be there.”

He scoffs and takes a bite of his strawberry; no chocolate this time.

“Wait so that was the big emergency? Oh, you're such a baby sometimes” I laugh.

“It's not vacation Noelle. I'm going to move there permanently.”

My ice cream spoon snaps in between my teeth.

“Mm?” I question.

“He wants me to handle the new branch over there.”

But why Nunavut?!

I pull the spoon out of my mouth and drop it onto the table. I try to say something but all that comes out is that disappointed and heartbroken laugh.

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