Chapter 1

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Dedicated to JanelleSheeran

*✩Chicago, Illinois

❀Noelle's POV

I fold my arms around me and quietly wait for Carter to arrive. I was finally here... upset though.

Who buys you a ticket back home as a graduation present? And practically drags you there in two days?

“I never thought I'd see Chicago you know? It's so exciting!”

I glare at the figure beside me through my glasses.

Oh yeah, and strings their girlfriend along?!

I gently massage my temple. Minutes later, Carter arrives with our luggage. I grab my suitcase and help him stuff it in the trunk of the car.

“You weren't kidding when you said you'd bring one bag huh?” Lydia asks.

“I'll be leaving sooner than you can say 'Oh she's gone'.”

Carter and I stuff the trunk of the car.

“Can't you pay someone else to do it for you?” Lydia asks. “I mean you're the son of a very rich businessman. Why work?”

If looks could kill, I'd be in jail by now.

“There's dignity in doing things yourself, babe,” Carter says, shutting the trunk.

He looks at me.

“NJ c'mon. You're not going to stay mad at me forever are you?”

“My name's Noelle... not New Jersey,” I say and push past him into the car.

I slam it shut and squeeze myself in a corner.

“I call shotgun!” Lydia shrieks jumping into the car.

Carter slips beside me.


Loud music blasts from the radio startling me. Lydia tries to turn it off but changes the music and makes it louder. I try to stay calm.

“A little help here?!”

I eye her. Carter sighs and leans over from the backseat and turns off the radio.

“Don't touch anything, babe. Please?”

She nods and mouths a quick sorry after kissing him. Carter settles back down.

“Noelle, why are you upset with me? I was only trying to make you... happy. You know I love you.”

I turn my head away from the window.

“Love? Do you think getting me a ticket to Chicago is happiness? I'm not excited to be back here Carter.”

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