Chapter 10

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Dedicated to all my readers with mucho love!

Chicago, Illinois

Noelle's POV

“This is so good!” Sam drags.

“Really?” I ask, not convinced.

“Totally! What could go wrong with this?”

I tilt my head and look at the jar in my hand.

“It's a peanut butter and jelly mix. Sam, everything could go wrong” I say.

He laughs.

“I mean they're great individually and awesome when put together separately. But to be born together?”

I shake my head.

“I don't know,” I say setting the jar back on the shelf.

I push the shopping cart away.

“Oh c'mon Noelle” Sam drags.

I shake my head and grab two jars of jam and two jars of peanut butter.

“Nono, could we get some Snickers and M&M's?”

That's not on our budget sweetie.

I smile.

“Sure, Didi. Let's gooo!” I cheer and Sam joins me to push the cart faster.

He giggles.

“You should get in the cart girl” Sam laughs when we stop to catch our breath.

I pick up some Snickers and M&M's.

“No” I laugh.

“C'mon! You didn't get the obviously awful PB&J mix so the least you can do is get in the cart and lemme drive you around.”

“So you do admit that mix would have been awful!” I laugh. “And it would have been cuter if that cart was a car.”

He chuckles.

“You sound like my parents when they found out I was gay.”

“Yeah? What happened? You've never told me that story before.”

Maddox stands inside the cart and throws a bunch of Kinder Joy into the cart.

“Didi honey, we're not getting Kinder Joy today okay? It's not on our budget.”

“Nono...” he whines.

“I'll get you Cheetos instead, how about that?”

He sits back in the cart.

“Okay” he sighs dramatically.

I push the cart.

“Sam, tell me about when your parents found out you were...” I trail off. “Sam?” I call looking around. “Sam! If you've gone back to get that PB&J mix I will kill you!”

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