Chapter 20

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❀ Keith's POV

I stare at her from the doorway as she ties Kennedy's bow.


I look at Phoenix who was holding out his tie to me.

“I need help with mine too” I say, gesturing to the tie around my neck. “Go ask mom.”

He nods and approaches her. She smiles and helps him put it on, instructing him as she went along.

“And that's how you wear a tie” she finishes and smiles at both of them. “Oh my babies look so good” she grins.

“Are you going to help dad with his too?” Phoenix asks.

She looks up at me.

“Daddy, you look so handsome ouuuuu!” Kennedy giggles.

“Why don't you two go see if your aunt is ready to get married? You can give her the card you made her” I suggest.

“Okay” she replies.

“What are you going to do?” Phoenix asks.

I look at Noelle.

“Your mom and I are going to have a little talk.”

“Is it about the babies?” Kennedy giggles.

How did she still remember?

“Maybe” I whisper and lean down to kiss her.

Phoenix holds out his fist and I bump mine against his before he takes his sister's hand and they walk out.

I close the door.

“I have nothing to say to you. We have nothing to talk about, you know that. So why lie to my children?” she rants.

Her children?

I scoff.

“Yeah, you made it clear when you chose that prick over me.”

She looks at me.

“You're old enough to fix your own tie.”

I shrug.

“I got that message when you left your husband and children for that prick.”

She rolls her eyes.

“Keith, what do you want? I have to finish getting ready for the wedding.”

I reach into my pocket and take out the ring.

“Here... I thought you'd want this back” I say and hold it out to her.

She glances at it and then her finger.

“Just leave it on the vanity. I'll put it on when I'm ready to go back to being your wife” she said bluntly and squirts some moisturizer into her palms.

I scoff.

“When you're ready to go back to being my wife?”

“Fine, leave it on the bed.”

How's that better?

“You're still my wife. We're still married.”


“Noelle!” I say in the same tone.

She turns away from the vanity mirror.

“Do you have to be obnoxious right now?”

I'm the obnoxious one?

I chuckle.

“You're blaming me for being this way?”

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