Chapter 3

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To yo_fave_slimmy

*Birmingham, Michigan

Keith's POV

“Kee” my little sister Vanessa jumps up at me the second I walk through the door.

“Hey there, clover,” I say, kissing her cheek.

She kisses mine in return.

“I missed you” she giggles running a hand across my chin.

I set her down and hug Adalynn; my mother.

“Oh, my little boy. Look at you. So handsome.”

“Hello Mom” I greet.

“Hey shove over you guys! This twin sister has gotta get her some twin brother sugar” my twin sister sings, wiggling her eyebrows and shoulder and dancing towards me.

She jumps and throws her arms around me.

“Hey baby bro” she grins, squeezing my cheeks in her hand so my lips poke out.

I pull my face away from her grip and she laughs.

“No one has to keep hearing that, Sydney.”

She makes a face.

“Great! Six years and you're still a sour, sour, man.”

I shove my hands in my pockets.

“I am not.”

“Yeah, you are. And lose the beard. You look worse than that genie from that lamp movie... umm...” she snaps her fingers trying to remember.

“Aladdin?” Vanessa chuckles.

“Yes, that one” Sydney agrees.

“I know” I sigh. “I've been very busy lately. I'm trying to manage my distractions and all.”

My mom and sisters assemble and give me a look.

Oh here it goes... I wonder who's going to start first?

“Is it a girlllll???” Sydney stretches.

Bingo! Next?

“What's her name?” Mom asks.

And finally...?

“How did you guys meet? Was it like in the books? Damsel in distress... my super hot strong knight brother swoops it and saves her? It was love at first sight right?” Vanessa finishes in one breath, grinning from ear to ear.

You're not even close guys.

“Her name's work, and yes it was love at first sight,” I say.

“Awww!” the three of them go.

“If he's the super hot strong brother... who's also a knight... what does that make us?” Lex asks.

I look up and see my twin cousins walking down the stairs.

“The peasant ogres” Vanessa smiles.

“Why do we get to be peasants and ogres at the same time?” Lex asks.

“Because you two stole my secret candy stash” Vanessa accuses.

“Are you seriously still hanging up on that? That was last Halloween” Levi chuckles.

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