Chapter 17

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❀ Noelle's POV

I stare out the window as the rain pelts down. Just two hours ago, it was bright and sunny outside. I sigh and pick up my hairbrush, settle down in front of the vanity, and then get to work.

My mother used to comb my hair every morning. One thousand strokes... I never understood why. Melanie came along and she did hers. My dad never wanted me to feel left out... being the oldest and all. So he took the time to brush my hair every morning before he left for work.

“Nine hundred and ninety-eight, nine hundred and ninety-nine, one thousand” I exhale.

A part of me was hoping I'd be transported back to my family. But it didn't happen. I shake my head and stand up.

“Oh my goodness!” I cry out and clutch my chest. “What are you doing?”

Keith stood up straight.

“Nothing” he says and walks out.

I look around.

Had he been watching me this entire time?!

I shake my head and walk out of the bedroom too.

“Hey Sarah, have you seen—”

“Noelle!” Vanessa cuts in and comes barreling towards me.

I crouch down and open my arms to hug her.

“Hello beautiful” I grin, lifting her up and twirling her around.

She giggles and I finally set her down.

“Well, that hand must have healed really good or you're like super strong because she weighs a ton” Sydney chuckles.

“Hi Sydney” I greet and give her a hug.

The rest of the family files in and I greet them all.

“Don't try to lift that one dear. You might just end up back in the hospital” Frazer teases his wife when I hug her.

Everyone laughs.

“Would you guys like anything to eat? I'm sorry I wasn't here to say hello when you arrived last night.”

“Oh don't worry about it dear” Adalynn says to me.

I nod.

“Now how about we all just relax and—”

“Did I miss it?!” a familiar voice interrupts.

I glance towards the foyer and grin.

“Kim!” I chirp and move in to hug her.

She squeezes me back and lets go.

“You look pretty” she chuckles.

“Ohhh” I laugh, blushing just the tiniest bit.

“Have you two been having parties without me?” Sydney frowns at us.

We share a look and turn to answer her.

“Noooo” we chorus.

Sydney narrows her eyes at us.

“Oh, you must be Noelle!” a high pitched scream comes from behind us.

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❀ Kim's POV

“Oh, you must be Noelle!” the all too familiar high pitched scream comes from behind us.

I close my eyes and rub my temple.

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