Chapter 40: Answers

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He froze in place, hands still latched onto hers as that familiar voice whispered his name. He couldn't believe it. Was it really her?

San couldn't bring himself to look up at her despite knowing that she was now staring at him, waiting for some sort of response from the boy before her.

He had let her down. And right now, he couldn't face her knowing that she nearly died while he was peacefully sleeping.

Illa could feel his tension and gently squeezed his hand, telling him in her own soft way that she was okay, and that she missed him.

Tears began to brim his eyes as San took a deep breath before shifting his gaze up to her face. A tingling feeling sparked in his body as she smiled at him, the warmth and security he felt in that moment being the one thing he missed about her the most.

"Hello stranger," Illa let out a light chuckle as San looked intently into her eyes, his own welling up with little glistening droplets that began to fall down his cheeks.

She pulled him close to her body, letting his head lie in the crook of her neck as she stroked his hair and whispered soft shushes to calm him down.

"It's okay San, I'm here now.. everything's going to be okay.."

He pushed himself up from the bed and turned his head from her, slightly embarrassed by his now puffy eyes and leaky nose as he wiped the excess tears and snot from his face.

Another warm smile highlighted Illa's face as she could tell that San was trying to put on a brave face for her.

"How long have I been out?" She asked, trying to move on so San could regain his composure.

"This would be the tenth day.."

"Ten days?" She repeated, eyebrows slightly raised.

San hummed in response, a slow nod telling Illa that she really had been unconscious for ten days.

"What happened to me?"

"You don't remember?"

Illa shook her head, causing San to let out a sigh and rub the back of his neck.

"Ali.. um.. how should I say this?"

"I think you should talk to Ali about that. I wasn't there so, I don't want to say anything wrong."

She nodded at San's words, a feeling of understanding that whatever happened to her was not something simple over-taking her thoughts.

"How are you feeling?" San asked, snapping Illa out of her contemplations.

"I think I'm alright, but my arms feel like they're on fire."

San nodded again, "It's pretty serious under there," he gestured to the bandages wrapped around her arms, "I'd try to not move them for the time being."

"Yeah.." She scoffed lightly, "I think I'll agree with you on that!"
For the first time in a long time, San cracked a smile. How someone could be cheery in this position he didn't understand, but he was glad that she was that someone.

But as she settled her thoughts again, something else dawned on her mind, "What happened with Haemir? Did you catch her?"

San shook his head, "We haven't done anything since you became unconscious. We've been making plan after plan, but nothing seems to be a good bet for our lives."

Illa widened her eyes at the words that came out of his mouth.

"A bet for a life?" She repeated those words almost as a question to herself, not intending to direct it to San, but the sailing master cocked his head to the side and looked at her as he wondered what she was thinking about.

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