Chapter 7: We're Leaving

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The boys ate their fish as they sat together, watching the fiery red and orange of the sunset dip over the horizon. Today was a good day. They finally felt like they were back to normal, no girls and no awkward tensions, just the eight of them singing and making fun of each other.

But unfortunately that peace was short-lived.

A brown peregrine falcon cawed above them, bringing their attention up to bird in the sky. It soared down towards the eight friends and just before it reached the ground it transformed into none other than Ali.

They all gawked with surprise by her sudden transformation, mostly Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Yunho and Yeosang because they hadn't seen it before. Mingi and Wooyoung looked at each other uncomfortably but didn't say anything.

"Ali! You're here! Do you want some fish?" Hongjoong offered, pointing a stick towards her.

"No.. I need you all to come with me."

They all looked confused at her sudden statement.

"Illa will explain later but I need you guys to get off your butts right now."

The eight of them complied with her hostility. As much as they disliked her way of talking to them, they knew better than to talk back to her.

She gestured for them to bunch up together before calling to Illa, "They're ready."

At that second a whirlwind of bamboo and leaves encircled around the boys, forming a makeshift basket and ledge around them. It hovered slightly, causing most of them to lose their balance as they yelled at the sudden magic around them.

"W-what's going on?" Yunho exclaimed, pushing himself up from the floor of the basket, his legs a little wobbly.


She only answered with one word before transforming into the falcon again, flying off to wherever without taking a second glance back at the boys.

"Wait! Ali what do you mean trans—"


The basket immediately took off into the sky and flew above the trees, zooming high above the island. The boys were trying hard not to puke as the basket swayed incredibly unsteadily. After a short trip, the basket landed at its destination, tilting so that the boys fell out of it and onto the hard ground. They picked themselves up and dusted their pants and coats.

Yunho, Mingi and Wooyoung clutched their stomachs and heads as they tried to regain their composure from the dizziness of the little ride.

"Where are we?" Hongjoong spoke, looking at the cave in front of them. He saw that there were steps going down from the cave's entrance and signalled for the rest to follow him.

When they got to the bottom of the stairs they saw Illa and Ali with their backs turned to them.

"Illa! Ali!" Yunho exclaimed, running towards them.

"What are we doing here?" San questioned.

"It's time for us to leave this island." Illa responded, turning around to face the boys.

They all froze upon seeing her, their eyes widened with disbelief upon the sight they were seeing.

"I-Illa... your face—"

She gave them a small smile, "Yes, I know they're gone San. My scars have finally been healed.. thanks to all of you,"

"Us?" Wooyoung asked, still in disbelief.

Illa nodded, turning her gaze to Ali. Her friend merely scoffed and turned her back to them again.

"Where are we Illa?" Seonghwa spoke up as he moved towards her.

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