Chapter 53: Illa's Tale pt.1

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"So why are you here anyway? Didn't you have breakfast?"

San looked at the Princess, the glint in his eyes faded as he recalled the argument that occurred between the crew and him that morning.

"Uh..There was a sort-of incident that happened this morning."

"Incident? What incident?"

He shifted uncomfortably as her eyes grew wider in curiosity. The two had made up but there was something in his eyes telling her that the warm feeling in her heart may only be short-lived.

"San?" She beckoned, tilting her head at the oddly quiet man. 

"Hyerin and I may have gotten into a little argument with the crew.."

She raised her eyebrow, "Define 'little argument'."

He scratched his head, "Hyerin and I said somethings that may have insnared the wrath of Ali, causing her to attack Hyerin."

She widened her eyes, "And where's she now?"

"I'm not sure, I think that she and the others went down to town."

She shook her head, "Not Ali. I'm talking about Hyerin. Where is she?"

"Hyerin?" San's eyes widened, "She's in the infirmary—"

Without another second, Illa got up from her seat and ran to the kitchen, leaving San in his seat, baffled by her sudden departure.

"Illa? Where are you going—"

The door to the kitchen opened up again, revealing the Princess with a small basket of pastries, jam and fruits in her hand. She plonked the basket on the table and gave San a small smile.

"Here. It's not much, but this should be enough to fill her up until lunch is served. I can only imagine how hungry she must be if she didn't get any breakfast either."

She passed the basket over to the male who stared at her with wide eyes and a blank expression on his face.

"Wh-why are you doing this? You don't even know her and from what she said about you—"

Illa put her hand up to stop San from talking.

"I don't need to know her, or like her to care about her."

She smiled at him, "Sure, I hated her guts the moment I saw her with you last night, but it's not her fault that you chose to be with her. It's simply not fair if I show her ill-intent when she didn't even directly do anything to me."

"And besides, if Ali attacked her, she's probably in need of a good meal to distract herself from the pain." She added with a chuckle.

"Wow." San exhaled, letting his head drop and the strands of his hair fall onto his face.

"You really are a Princess, Illa. I can see why Hongjoong asked you to be one."

He picked up the basket and shot her a grateful smile, to which she returned for the compliment. He bowed to her before turning on his heel and walking out of the dining hall.

Illa watched as he disappeared behind the doors and sat back down in her chair.

You did the right thing Illa. She needs San. And he needs her.

She smiled to herself as San's face flashed in her mind. His face when he was with Hyerin, it was happy. He was happy. And if he was happy, that's all that mattered to her.

She was pulled from her thoughts when the door opened again, revealing San's face as he stuck his head through the small crack in the door.

"San?" Illa looked over to him with surprise, "What are you doing back here?"

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