Chapter 46: The Sun has Risen

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Chaos broke loose in the room.

San ran to Illa's body and cradled her in his arms, tears streaming down his face as his hands trembled above her neck, the crisp red line outstanding her slowly-paling skin.

Through the blur of his tears, he noticed burn marks on the edges of her slit, causing him to wipe his eyes to inspect the wound more clearly. The slash was fine and incredibly precise in ensuring her immediate death, which led him to believe only one thing. She knew what she was doing.

He pressed his forehead against hers as the question Why? loomed in his thoughts, his sobs returning and growing louder.

At the same time, the crew yelled muffled screams through their gags, the eight individuals pulling on their chains with all of their might as dust from the ceiling rained down on them.

Ali stared at Illa's body, flashbacks to the first time she had lost her best friend overtaking her mind as she felt her vision turn red and her strength growing with each tear that burned her cheeks. The room rumbled as Ali's screams grew louder and louder, the tension in her chains growing more and more tight until they finally snapped.

The girl fell to the ground, her cheek skidding on the concrete as her arms were still clasped behind her back. She propped herself up on her knees before morphing her arms into Minotaur hooves, using the strength of the creature to break the shackles from her wrists. Ali tore the cloth from her mouth and shifted her eyes straight to the Siren Queen, her body acting faster than her mind could process as she darted for the demon, claws out and wings stretched beyond her back.

Haemir's eyes shot from one girl to the other, a grin curving up on her half-burnt lips as she dodged Ali with ease. Her laughter filled the room, as she disappeared into the shadows, the only sound alerting the members being a cackled squeal with no rest, like a screaming child attacking the echoes of the stone-walled room.


Ali crashed into one of the walls but pushed off it immediately, letting her eyes travel around the room to make sense of where the Siren Queen was.

"Stop hiding you moron! Come out and fight! That's what you want isn't it?! For all of us to die?! Well then come and kill us!"

Ali's yell sent the boys' attention to her, her eyes were glowing blood-red and the strange black marks painted all over her body seemed to be moving in swirls from the tips of her fingers up to the crown of her head as her wings stretched out behind her back.

A chuckle emerged from the shadows of the room, the rumble making the boys' eyes dart to the statues as the ruined figures seemed to stare down at them with their empty moulded eyes.

"I would calm down if I were you sweetie. I don't need another soul today."

"Why were you so obsessed with Illa in the first place? Does one pathetic human really mean that much to you?"

Haemir scoffed.

"Are you that petty that you couldn't let one girl go?"

"Watch your mouth girl. Your friend broke the rules. She needed to pay for it."

"But she wasn't even the one who wanted to come back to life! I was the one who begged San to bring her back! If anyone should be punished, it should be me, not her!"

Ali's wings drooped as she clenched her fists, hot tears brimming her eyes as the sight of Illa's body in the arms of the person who betrayed them fuelled her anger. She flapped her wings and dove for the Aralez, pushing him off of her friend and into the hard concrete with a loud thud.

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