Chapter 16: Decipher

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"Ali could you pass me another bucket?"

"Yeah here!"

I smiled at Ali and took the bucket, running over to San and handing it to him. Last night was way too much...

We were all still at the BBB, Ali had come this morning when I sent a little breeze to tell her about what had happened. The boys were all suffering from what Mingyu called 'The Aftermath,' of the Bong Bong which consisted of an excruciatingly painful hangover and migraine causing them to constantly feel like throwing up.

I was sweating as I ran from one boy to the other, passing the buckets around as Ali sat on one of the sofas. When they all had a bucket and a cold towel each I proceeded to take a seat back at the bar. I huffed as I sat back down earning a chuckle from Mingyu.

"You look tired.."

"You think?"

He laughed as he passed me a glass of lemonade.
"Cold and sweet just how you like it,"
I raised the glass to him and nodded in thanks. He smiled as he grabbed a cloth and started wiping down the bench top.

"Just one question Mingyu,"

He looked up, "Hm?"

"What on earth was in that drink?"

He chuckled at my question before placing the rag down.

"Siren scales,"


"Remember those diamond looking things on top of the drinks?"

I nodded.

"Those are siren scales. They're actually ground up and mixed into the drink itself which is what gives it it's cool colour effect. Those scales, like the sirens themselves can make one lose their mind a bit, they often make you feel like you can do anything in the world which is why they acted so coo-coo yesterday,"

"And your co-workers?"

"Oh they're just generally like that,"

I nodded in understanding, taking another sip from my lemonade.

Butterfly silk, Phoenix feathers and now Siren scales? This is a strange world.

"Who's that?" Mingyu asked pointing to Ali who was making disgusted expressions at the sight of the vomiting boys.

"Oh that's Ali, she's with us too,"

"Really? I didn't see her last night,"

"That's because she's still recovering from an injury and Yeosang recommended that she stay aboard Treasure so that she or anyone else doesn't worsen her wound."

"Ohh I see..."

He disappeared for a moment beneath the bar before popping back up with a jug of lemonade in his hand. He poured the fizzy liquid into a glass and passed it to me.

"I think she could use a drink after seeing all of that,"

I scoffed at his comment and brought the drink to her. She accepted it warmly and took a sip, her eyes lighting up with surprise at the refreshing taste.

"You feeling okay?" I asked her taking a seat next to her.

"Yeah I'm good. Just kind of glad I didn't have to see what you told me about last night," She looked at me and laughed, shaking her head as her gaze shifted back to the boys on the floor who were still clutching their buckets.

"What're we going to do with them?"

"I have no idea..."

Ali had finished her glass and almost stood up to take it back to the bar, but I stopped her and took the glass myself.

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