Chapter 17: Hongjoong's Tale

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"Illa if you're really from Qing Xian, you could be in trouble if you go back there. Please be careful,"

Jun's voice rang in my head as I watched the trail of waves tail behind us. The water was calming to watch, the sound of Treasure's wood lapping against the sea lulled me into a state of peacefulness.

"Illa! Oh—"

I turned around and met San's slightly panicked eyes. I smiled and gestured for him to come in.
"Hey San,"

"Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you,"

I shook my head and turned to sit down on my bed.
"Don't worry about it, I wasn't doing anything anyway,"

He nodded and took a seat next to me.
"I have something for you,"


He went to pull something out of his vest.
"Don't sense what it is please," He stared at me with his large eyes and a pout as he held whatever it was behind his back.

I held my hand across my heart, "I won't. I promise,"

His eyes lit up and a wide grin highlighted his dimples. He brought his hand from behind his back and opened his palm in front of me.
I gasped when I saw it.

A little ceramic dog sat in the middle of his palm and in its paws was a red rose. I took the little trinket into my hands and ran my fingers over its face.
"It's so cute! San I love it!"
I exclaimed as my eyes crinkled into a smile.

He chuckled, "I'm glad! And look!"

I looked at him as he pulled out another dog from the pouch on his belt.
"Now we match!"

I looked at the little guy in even more awe, bringing my hand out to touch the dog's cheek. San scoffed which made me look up at him. He was looking at me with amusement to which I reeled my hand back from his.
I cleared my throat and looked away from him.
"So what's this for?"

He made a "hm?" Sound before looking at the dog in his hand.

"Oh! Right. I got them as a kind of lucky charm, you know after what Jun told you about Qing Xian,"

Right, he can understand Chinese.

"No matter what we run into, it's a little reminder that you're not alone,"

My eyes widened at the sincerity laced in his voice. I smiled and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and giving him a hug. He froze for a moment before bringing his arms around my back and returning the embrace. He buried his face into my hair and I could feel him smile into the crook of my neck.
"Thank you San,"

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"So what's his name?"

I looked to San with my eyebrow raised.

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