Chapter 18: A Not So Lonely Night

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"Couldn't sleep?"

I opened my eyes and looked up to see the familiar lookout dangling from the rigging. His bright smile and crescent-like eyes made their way to my heart as he hopped down from the ropes and landed right beside me.

"Bad dream..." I sighed, looking away from him and casting my eyes on the deep blackness that surrounded the ship.

He bent down to the railing and propped his head on his hand to look up at me. His butt was sticking out as he nearly had to bend 90 degrees from his torso to completely lean on the railing. The sight made me laugh as I looked at his silly posture which earned a satisfied smile from Yunho.

"There it is!" He exclaimed pointing to my face. His knees buckled making his head fall from his hands. He nearly slammed into the railing causing a small chortle to escape from my lips.

"There's what?"

"Your smile!"

He chuckled and stood back up, wobbling a bit due to his sudden movement. I held his arm and steadied him, earning a small thanks from him.

"You must get pretty lonely up there huh?"

"Yeah but it's okay. It's peaceful at night,"

He shot me a smile, gesturing to the once blue ocean in front of us. I nodded bringing my attention to the slow lapping of waves just in view.

"What was your dream about?"


"Your bad dream.. what happened in it?"

I looked at him but his gaze was still on the sea.
"You'll feel better when you tell someone, I get weird dreams all the time and Hongjoong-hyung always makes sure that I tell him about them. It may not seem like it, but a weight really feels like it is lifted off your chest,"
He gave me a small shrug as he directed his attention to the flickering lamp hanging from the mast. I watched him as he seemed to be in deep thought, I wonder what kind of dreams he has...

I decided to share with him what I witnessed a while ago. I sighed as I brought him out of his trance.

"Well, it wasn't scary or anything.. it's just...I saw someone, someone who I think I knew,"

He turned to me, the soft candlelight highlighting the left-side of his face. His mouth opened slightly at my words.
"Someone you knew?"

I hummed keeping my head down.

"His name was Li I think...we knew each other when we were least that's what I saw in my dream,"

"Li..." Yunho repeated bringing his hand to his chin.

"Can I ask you something Yunho?"

His eyes met mine as he made a sound of affirmation.

"What's with the Princes of the Seven Seas thing?"

He scoffed at my question.
"San hasn't told you yet?"

I shook my head and his eyes widened.
"Oh.. well then let me set the scene for you!"
He took off from the railing and went to stand in the middle of the deck.

"I'm not as good as San is at geography but I'll try my best!"

I laughed at his antics, turning to face him and crossing my arms.

"Imagine I'm the centre of the world. Over there, next to the barrels let's say that's Calrath. The stretch of ocean from here to there is the Demar Sea. Seonghwa-hyung was originally from Calrath and he was known among the people he grew up with for his handsome face, so they called him the Prince of Demar!"

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