Chapter 27

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     Error looked around frantically, confused. He didn't know why he was at what he assumed was Ink's apartment, and he had a splitting headache, making it hard to focus. He caught a glimpse of some pills, most likely hangover medication left there by Ink, and a glass of water. Error moved carefully, as to not wake the other, and reached over. Once he had taken the meds, he layed back, waiting for them to kick in. After a few minutes they finally took effect. He sighed in relief, just to freeze in panic as he saw Ink stirring. Ink looked up at him with bleary eyes, before realizing where he was.

     He had his arms wrapped around Error's waist, hugging him close to avoid falling off the small couch.

     He quickly jumped up and apologized.

     "Oh my gosh, Error. I'm so sorry!" He said frantically. Error groaned and waved his hand dismissively.

     And his headache was back.

     "What happened last night?" He asked the smaller skeleton. Ink sighed and began to explain.

     "Well, I found you suddenly outside my door last night. You were extremely drunk and in no state to return to wherever you live alone, and I don't know your address to take you there myself. I brought you inside and grabbed a glass of water and the pills, which I see you found. Then when I left to leave and go to bed, you grabbed my arm and insisted I stay. You, um, hugged me, and I ended up falling asleep next to you by accident I guess," Ink finished, beginning to blush near the end. Error sighed.

     "Uh, I noticed that last night you hardly glitched at all when you grabbed me. Why?" Ink asked. Error paused, thinking.

     "Well, I can't control my glitching and haphephobia. A few people close to me can touch me without me freaking out. People like some family members or close friends. I guess being drunk may have messed that up?" He said eventually, standing up. 

     "But you seemed to dislike you're brother a lot, and he made you crash," Ink said, thinking out loud. Error laughed. 

     "I don't hate Geno! I just want to avoid him for reasons..." 

     "No, the other brother."

     "Wait what?" Suddenly Ink realized he had been speaking out loud and blushed. 

     "I, uh, stuck around after I put you and Geno together. I just wanted to make sure everything went well, I promise! I wasn't trying to be a creepy stalker or anything..." Error laughed, though he was also annoyed. 

     "That was Fresh. I've never really liked him." Ink looked like he wanted to say something else, but seemed to be wrestling with the thought of actually saying it. After a few minutes, Error just gave him an exasperated look.

     "Spit it out. Whatever you want to tell me, just say it," He declared. Ink seemed to have made up his mind.

     "How do you know that I'm soulless? I've only ever told Geno and Dream," He blurted out. Error froze again.

     "... What do you mean?" He asked hesitantly. Ink sighed.

     "Last night, you asked about why my eyes change colors and shapes. I told you that they change with my emotions, but then you asked me how that's possible, because I have no soul. How did you know that?" Error's mind was spinning, trying to figure out how to save the situation.

     "The way you're saying it makes me think you actually are," Error tried to joke. 

     "This is serious Error! I want to know how you know." 

     "Wait, you're actually soulless? How can you feel emotions then? Heck, how are you even alive?! Shouldn't you be dust by now?!" He responded, trying to avoid answering Ink's question. The though of Ink being dead did alarm him for some reason though. He liked Ink. The other was caring and considerate, and seemed to only want the best for his friends. Plus, he was cu-


     Ink sighed, looking down and to the side.

     "I can feel emotions through drinking these vials I always wear on me. When I drink a bit of all of them, they sort of react on their own, making me feel the right emotions for each situation. As for how I'm alive, no one really knows," Ink said. Error nodded, his mind spinning with the new information. So that's why his strings hadn't worked the first time he had fought Ink. The other had no soul for him to grab. He stretched, sore from sleeping on the couch the previous night. Suddenly, mid stretch, he froze.

     "Crap, he's going to kill me," He muttered to himself, quickly standing up. Ink overheard and glanced over as Error stood up to leave.

     "Who's going to kill you? What do you mean?" He asked, confused. Error groaned.

     "One of my roommates. He doesn't like it when I get drunk. Plus, I was supposed to be somewhere right now," He said hurriedly. Ink stood up as well to show Error out of his apartment. He was sad to see the other go. His mind flashed to what Dream had said the other day. Did he have a crush on Error? And if so, did the other feel the same way? As soon as Error had left the room, he walked a short way down the hallway before teleporting to the base.

     Ink opened the door to ask one more question, only to find the other gone once again.


     Error groaned as he landed in the base. Teleporting two days in a row took a lot out of his magic energy. He didn't get any rest, however, as Nightmare and Reaper immediately came in.

     "What the hell were you thinking, Error?!" Nightmare yelled. "I told you not to drink in the base any more!"

     "Blame him," Error responded, pointing to Reaper. "I was having a crappy day, so he suggested the vodka."

     "Nice to throw me under the bus buddy," Reaper scoffed. Error weakly finger gunned him.

     "Any day, Reaper. Anyways, if you'll excuse me, I want to go relax and get rid of this hangover," He said, walking towards the doorway.

     "No way, Error," Nightmare growled. "You and Reaper are in trouble." 

     "But I had a date today," Reaper whined. 

     "Too bad." 


     "Ugh, why did you convince me to drink?" Error asked Reaper. Nightmare had been nice to them, only locking them in a room for the day after making them clean the entire house, as Error hadn't broken anything this time around. Reaper shrugged. 

     "I thought it would be funny," Was his only excuse. Error glared at him as silence fell over them again. 

     "Hey, Error?" Reaper eventually asked. The other groaned. 

     "What is it Reaper?" He asked, annoyed. 

     "You're last name is C.Q, right?" The cloaked skeleton asked. 

    "Yeah. So what?" 

     "So you're Geno's brother."

     "Why does everyone know my fricken brother?!" 

Hey guys! Author here! I'm running out of fluff ideas. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment them. Anything short of kissing and confessing is acceptable. Otherwise, we're getting into the drama I have planned...

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